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January 19, 2018
Can you solve the Riddler’s Riddle? I’m teary-eyed but never cry. Silver-tongued, but never lie. Double-winged, but never fly. Air-cooled, but never dry. What am I?
Karen Gillan
January 18, 2018
Karen Gillan who plays Nebula in Marvel’s Guardians of the Galaxy films and its upcoming Avengers: Infinity War film as well as recently starring in Jumanji might have found her best role yet, the Pink Power Ranger.
Batman and Robin Identity Crisis
January 18, 2018
Tim Drake’s father, Jack Drake, is murdered, but who is the killer? Could it be Captain Boomerang? Find out as we retell an iconic story from DC Comics’ Identity Crisis.
January 18, 2018
These are the thirteen X-Men movies that 20th Century Fox is currently working on at various levels of development. Three of them are expected to hit theaters this year.
James Gunn
January 17, 2018
Guardians of the Galaxy director James Gunn wants Trump to weigh himself again and offers to donate $100k to charity to make it happen.
Gambit vs Nightwing
January 17, 2018
Nightwing battles Gambit in a gritty street brawl after Gambit steals a Wayne Enterprises’ briefcase in one of the earliest episodes of Super Power Beat Down.
Shaquille O'Neal
January 17, 2018
Shaquille O’Neal laid down the gauntlet to Robert Downey Jr. and Marvel Studios when he told Entertainment Weekly he wants to beat up Robert Downey Jr.’s Iron Man.
Kevin Sorbo
January 16, 2018
Kevin Sorbo and Sean Hannity respond to the East Coast Comicon ban imposed on him by the convention’s promoter Cliff Galbraith.
Deadpool Family Guy
January 16, 2018
Family Guy releases hilarious new Deadpool parody. Peter Griffin becomes Deadpool and is infected with butt cancer.
January 16, 2018
Can you solve the Riddler’s Riddle? I sit in a corner while traveling all around the world. What am I?