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Voltron From The Ashes Preview Page
September 15, 2015
The world is at peace and Voltron has remained dormant for over 200 years. Yet, a select group of monks remains vigilant in training potential pilots. And vigilant they should be, for Haggar, the Mother of Monsters, lies dormant waiting to be awakened by the hand of conquerors. How does it fare?
September 1, 2015
The Shadow continues his hunt for the Society of United Magicians as they seek ever more grave methods of obtaining the Last Illusion. They are even plotting to end The Shadow. Will The Shadow be able to survive their traps or will he be used to obtain the Last Illusion? How does it fare?
Army of Darkness: Ash in Space TPB Cover
August 19, 2015
[easyazon_link identifier=”1606906917″ locale=”US” tag=”bounintocomi-20″]Army of Darkness: Ash in Space[/easyazon_link] is a fun Evil Dead adventure with a sci-fi twist. For the most part Cullen Bunn captures the essence of the franchise. Larry Watts’ art isn’t spectacular, but it gets the story across (the most noticeable flaw is Ash’s face).
August 4, 2015
A group of magicians known as the Society of United Magicians has had a number of members go rogue in pursuit of Harry Houdini’s secrets regarding The Last Illusion. The only man who can stop these magicians from continuing their murderous spree is The Shadow!
Magneto #20
July 23, 2015
Magneto #20 is a bit of a choppy ride leading up to Magneto’s last day. Will Magneto’s last stand fade into oblivion or will it be something all mutants will remember?
The Sixth Gun RPG from Oni Press and Pinnacle Entertainment Group Developed by Scott Woodard with Cullen Bunn
May 26, 2015
The Sixth Gun, a supernatural Western comic, created by writer Cullen Bunn and artist Brian Hurtt launched a KickStarter today in partnership with Pinnacle Entertainment Group to bring the world of The Sixth Gun to tabletop roleplaying within the Savage Worlds rule set.
July 11, 2014
Cullen Bunn once again begins the story with S.H.I.E.L.D. agents at the scene of Magneto’s latest encounter, still two steps […]
June 12, 2014
Writer Cullen Bunn and artist Gabriel Hernandez Walta, have created a very intriguing ‘pull’ at the beginning of the books in this series. They start the story with an eye witness testimony of Magneto’s destruction. The eyewitnesses have been in complete terror and distinctly attempt to portray Magneto as enjoying the terror and mayhem he wreaks. However the intensity of the testimony is broken up in this second installment with the addition of a little comic relief through the introduction of Magneto fan-boys, who come fully equipped with Magneto t-shirts (I sense a marketing ploy).
June 9, 2014
Magneto, the greatest villain ever created according to IGN, has finally received his own comic book series and it is a decent start. Writer Cullen Bunn and artist Gabriel Hernandez Walta are able to build a true aura of terror around Magneto in just the opening pages.