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December 13, 2022
Ye, formerly known as Kanye West, recently accused The Walt Disney Company of “spiking the punch” and “making our kids question their sexuality early on purpose to cause confusion.”
Superheroine Columbia, an original creation of Paul Hair. Artwork (cropped with added background) by Joey Dodd (2022).
December 7, 2022
America’s descent into communism is terrible, but it creates an environment where outrageously un-woke stories are just waiting to be told.
October 26, 2020
Like many Star Wars fan, rapper Kanye West believes that the prequel trilogy films are better than the “corporate-made” Disney sequels.
October 3, 2018
Candace Owens issued a challenge to Avengers 4 star and Captain America actor Chris Evans after he expressed “racist sentiments.”
October 1, 2018
Avengers 4 star and Captain America actor Chris Evans ripped into Kanye West after he wore a Make America Great Again hat on Saturday Night Live.