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July 12, 2022
Taking footage from Bumblebee, a content creator adds the central theme song to the 1986 Transformers movie to recut the action.
April 13, 2022
Ambulance director Michael Bay recently claimed that he believes “the American Dream has been twisted and disappearing” while promoting the film on the press tour.
April 11, 2022
Buried deep within Ambulance’s loud, flashy action, sickening editing, overstimulated filming techniques, and a screenplay that seems like it was fished out of a port-a-potty is a somewhat thrilling film.
April 6, 2022
Transformers and Bad Boys director Michael Bay recently reacted to Will Smith slapping Chris Rock saying he doesn’t care and would rather have people paying more attention to what is happening in Ukraine.
January 23, 2020
Will Smith knows Hollywood is a business and occasionally he has to take one for the team and shill for a release he doesn’t believe in.
December 28, 2019
How to sum up 6 Underground, Netflix’s latest offering with Ryan Reynolds? Things go boom, bullets fly amid impossible stunts, and there’s blood.
February 8, 2018
The Lobo film has taken one big, explosive step forward as a new report indicates DC Films is courting director Michael Bay to take on one of DC’s biggest anti-heroes!