Joker Actress Zazie Beetz: “We Rewrote the Whole Thing While We Were Shooting It”

Zazie Beetz who recently finished up filming the upcoming Joker movie with Joaquin Phoenix revealed the entire script was rewritten while they were filming.

Beetz recently spoke to MTV News where she noted, “The script was great. We rewrote the whole thing while we were shooting it.” She continued, “Literally, we would go into Todd’s trailer and write the scene for the night and then do it.”

Beetz didn’t provide many details on the actual film. She initially detailed, “I can’t say anything.” And she wouldn’t really provide any more details continuing, “It’s gritty and dark…Gotham!” She would even admit that she hasn’t “seen a cut or anything.”

Beetz would elaborate on how the shots were taken, “During hair and makeup we’d memorize those lines and then do them, and then we’d reshoot that three week later. We had to do everything then because Joaquin had lost so much weight that we couldn’t do reshoots later on so we were figuring it out. But Todd’s quick at getting stuff done so we always had extra time which was great.”

If Beetz isn’t just merely exaggerating it could mean that a number of the leaked scenes of the underground train station could have been totally reworked. Any theories about the film from all the leaked footage might have to be completely reworked if the script was rewritten while shooting!

Joaquin Phoenix described the film before filming began in an interview with Collider:

“It feels unique, it is its own world in some ways, and maybe, mostly, it scares the f***ing s**t out of me or something. It might as well be the thing that scares you the most.”

He would add:

“I wouldn’t quite classify this as like any genre. I wouldn’t say it’s a superhero movie, or a studio movie or a … It feels unique, and I think more then anything, and probably the most important thing, is Todd seems very passionate about it and very giving, and so that’s exciting. I think, underneath the excitement of these films, and the size of them, there are these incredible characters that are dealing with real life struggles. And sometimes that is uncovered and exposed, and sometimes it isn’t, and so I always felt, like, there were characters in comics that were really interesting and deserve the opportunity to be kind of studied. And so I think that’s what Todd sees appealing about this idea.”

From what we have seen, The Joker looks like it will see Joaquin Phoenix’s Joker as a down-on-his-luck man who turns into a horrifying villain. Phoenix, Beetz, and company will show the terrifying transformation in what might be the most anticipated DC Comics based film of the year. A film that could draw inspiration from the iconic [easyazon_link identifier=”B01FIWBJ7W” locale=”US” tag=”boundingintocomics-20″]Killing Joke[/easyazon_link] graphic novel.

Joker is expected to hit theaters on October 4, 2019.

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