About Justin Wright

Justin Wright is a comic book enthusiast and general raconteur, who works for a global megacorporation, and must escape to fantasyland with regularity.

All Articles

November 11, 2015
After a strong second issue, Brian Haberlin’s sci-fi story is beginning to find it’s rhythm. The crew is still being menaced by the tendrils that had followed them off the newly discovered planet Ouroborous. The crew is literally in the dark in the first page, as the dark entity has encircled them. How does it fare?
November 4, 2015
Garth Ennis has a new book out today from Titan, [easyazon_link identifier=”B017K4QF34″ locale=”US” tag=”bounintocomi-20″]Johnny Red #1[/easyazon_link], and we got to […]
Back to the Future #1 Variant Cover
October 22, 2015
IDW brings us more 1980’s nostalgia filled fun, not only taking advantage of the adult market surge that is driving comics sales, but also some mighty timely synergy with the release date being the future date in which most of Back to the Future II infamously takes place. Adding to the mix, Bob Gale, the screenwriter of the films, is back to take the helm writing.
Spider-Man 2099 #1 Variant Cover by Rick Leonardi
October 17, 2015
[easyazon_link identifier=”B015NSFSC8″ locale=”US” tag=”bounintocomi-20″]Spider-Man 2099 #1[/easyazon_link] opens up with Miguel giving a very public display of his physical abilities in a mock up of American Ninja Warrior. We see he is back with Tempest, a romantic interest who had previously turned into a giant killer wasp creature and tried to kill him… but apparently, she is better.
Variant Cover by Jed Dougherty
October 15, 2015
Stan Lee famously said, “Every comic book is someone’s first.” And this may not be my first comic by a long shot, it does mark several firsts for me. It’s my first issue of Unity, and my first Valiant comic as well.