Valiant Launches Massive Marketing and Sales Campaign for X-O Manowar #1
Valiant is launching an extensive marketing and sales campaign to support its upcoming new series X-O Manowar which debuts its first issue in March. Valiant claims this will be “the biggest sell-through initiative of 2017 from any major comic book publisher.” It’s a bold claim!
“X-O MANOWAR #1 has been a tremendous success with comic shop retailers – the pre-orders alone have made this series launch a runaway hit before the first issue has even hit shelves. Now, we are moving our focus to helping retailers drive sales in their stores for fans new and old alike,” said Valiant Publisher Fred Pierce. “As far as I can remember, this is the first time that a publisher has been as equally dedicated to selling a title through store shelves as it has been to selling it in. We are very determined to make X-O MANOWAR #1 a success for our retailing partners and prove that their faith in the series will not go unnoticed.”
The marketing and sales initiative will include a number of different items including silicone rings, a preview issue, a bevy of promotional items and even a retailer review content among other goodies.
X-O Manowar Silicone Rings

These rings mimic the hand-crafted ring Aric of Dacia uses to reforge his bond with the ultra-powerful Shanhara armor.
The rings will ship in bundles of 50 to participating retailers and will be available at upcoming Valiant-attending conventions.
X-O Manowar (2017) #1 Spring Previews
This will be your first look inside X-O Manowar #1. The preview will be 16 pages long and feature preview artwork, character designs, creator commentary, and interviews from the team including Matt Kindt and Tomas Giorello.
It will be shipped in bundles of 50 to participating retailers and will be available at upcoming Valiant-attending conventions.
Point-Of-Purchase Promotional Items

There will be a bevy of promotional items available to retailers from posters, six-foot standees, section signs, calendars, box cutters, and more. They will also be supply a special sell-through package featuring window clings, promotional pens, and more.
If you are a retailer and want to get in on this contact [email protected] to participate!

Custom Store Signage
Valiant is offering retailers custom designed store signage. They will design and manufacture the signs to fit any area in your comic shop whether it is the front door or the ceiling!
Consumer Advertising and Marketing Support
Valiant promises to undertake large scale advertising buys with leading comic book publications, websites, and podcasts to promote X-O Manowar #1. They will also be promoting the series at more than 40 conventions this summer including Emerald City Comicon, Anaheim’s WonderCon, Chicago’s C2E2, and even the 2017 Van’s Warped Tour!
Retailer Social Media Advertising
Valiant wants to promote your store and is willing to design and promote targeted Facebook campaigns in your geographic area to expand your own customer base!
Customized X-O Manowar (2017) #1 Trailers
Valiant is offering custom copies of their brand new animated trailer. It will come with a special title card advertising your store logos and contact information.
Contact [email protected] to participate.
Retailer Review Contest
Valiant is challenging retailers to review X-O Manowar #1 and film a brief 10-second review and send it in to win cash and Valiant swag!
The videos must include who you are, the name/location of you shop, and what you thought of X-O Manowar #1. You must then post the video using the hashtag #XOREVIEW and tag Valiant on Twitter (@ValiantComics), Facebook (@ValiantComics) or Instagram (@ValiantEntertainment) as well as tag the store’s social media! Make sure the name of your shop is included.
Here’s an example:
Here are the prizes:
One Grand Prize: One copy of the 1:500 X-O Manowar #1 Metal Variant for your shop and $200 cash for you!
Four Runner Up Prizes: A Gold Variant of X-O Manowar #1 for your store and $100 cash for you.
All entries must be submitted by March 21st.
Make sure you contact your retailer to ensure they get their hands on all of these goodies!
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