Power Rangers Reveals First Look At Phantom Ranger For Power Rangers Unlimited: Edge of Darkness

BOOM! Studios under license by Hasbro Inc. revealed a first look at the Phantom Ranger that will star in their upcoming oversized special Power Rangers Unlimited: Edge of Darkness #1.

The special is written by Frank Gogol with artwork by Simone Ragazzoni, colors by Igor Monti and letters by Ed Dukeshire.
In a press release BOOM! says the special is the “first full appearance of the Phantom Ranger in a story that will ripple through the Power Rangers franchise.”

The Phantom Ranger has appeared outside of the comics in 1997’s Power Rangers Turbo and 1998’s Power Rangers In Space.
He specifically appeared in seven episodes of Turbo where he helped the Power Rangers battle Divatox and Translucitor.
He would even provide the Rangers with their new Rescuezords after losing their Turbozords to Divatox and General Havoc.

The Phantom Ranger would go on to appear in three episodes of Power Rangers In Space, where he was seen searching for Zordon after he had been captured.
While searching for Zordon he eventually discovered that he had been captured by Divatox and Astronema. In his pursuit, he would face off against Ecliptor.
Later in the series he would also fight against the Machine Empire alongside Blue Senturion. However, the two would end up being captured, but were fortunately saved by Zordon’s energy wave.

As for this new story, BOOM! Studios provides an official description. It begins, “ENTER THE PHANTOM RANGER! Answering Zordon’s call, the Phantom Ranger investigates the aftermath of an Empyreal attack.”
It continues, “Only to discover their connection to an ancient evil he encountered long ago… which may have finally returned to threaten the entire universe.”

The special will feature a main cover by Dan Mora with variant covers by Jungguen Yoon, Vincenzo Riccardi, and Derrick Chew.

Take a look at the variant cover by Junggeon Yoon below.

Here’s a look at Vincenzo Ricardi’s cover.

Finally, here’s Derrick Chew’s variant.

The series arrives on shelves on June 30, 2021.
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