The Weekly Top 5 – November 11, 2015

After a hiatus last week we are back with our Top 5 choices for what we are looking forward to read this week and as Tim shows us they don’t always have to be new releases either! What are you looking at reading this week?
Jonathan Ngo
1. Last Sons of America #1
Why: Children of Men is my favorite movie of all times and there’s definitely a similar vibe in what the synopsis give us. Everybody in america lose the ability to reproduce, causing a huge wave of adoptions happens, so much so kidnapping from illegal adoption agencies becomes important. We follow a law abiding adoption agent based in Nicaragua who will run into all sorts of troubles. Don’t need any more, count me in!
2. Trashed (Graphic Novel)
Why: Derf Backderf wrote one of the most acclaimed graphic novels of the last few years, “My Friend Dahmer”. He returns here in another story from his own life, the one of three garbage collectors as they go through their life, and their trashy jobs. I actually already own the book as it went out a few weeks ago here in France, it’s highly recommended.
3. The Autumnlands: Tooth and Claw #7
Why: If you are not reading The Autumnlands, you’re just wrong. What a fantastic book. Not only Kurt Busiek is a wonderful writer capable of writing a high fantasy universe filled of anthropomorphic animals but it is served by one of the most stunning artwork in comics right now, by Ben Dewey. Don’t despair for your mistake, though, as this issue marks the start of a new arc, and you can get the first trade right now.
4. GodDamned #1
Why: It’s the creative team behind Scalped, back for a whole new book which will sure be filled with badassery, as everything esle Jason Aaron writes. I’m not sure I understand much of the story right now, it seems to take place in a pre-apocalyptic world, said Apocalypse being very imminent, and very much Biblical. Seems interesting enough to give it a shot if anything else.
5. Illuminati #1
Why: Another week filled with #1s from Marvel but few really grabbed my attention. That said, I really deeply love The Hood when he’s well written, and I always loved a good redemption story where the bad guys get a chance to turn around and do the right thing. This book have both (not sure about how well written it will be as I’m unfamiliar with Joshua Williamson), so I’m game.
Tim Jousma
1-5. The Avengers #167-175 (The Korvac Saga)
Why: I wanted to dive in to some old Avengers stories specifically the Korvac Saga. They touched upon this story in The Avengers: Earth’s Mightiest Heroes cartoon so I wanted to read the source material.
John Trent
1. Darth Vader #12
Why: I am really looking forward to seeing how Vader and Aphra are going to get out of the pickle they find themselves in.
2. Imperium #10
Why: The Vine Imperative continues as Toyo Harada seemlessly walks into a treacherous trap. Will he be able to combat the Vine plantings before they unleash LV-99?
3. Superman American Alien #1
Why: We get to see what Clark Kent was like as a Kansas farm boy and how he and his parents deal with his alien powers! Did I mention it is from the mind of Max Landis?
4. Batman #46
Why: Batman finally confronts Mr. Bloom. Enough said.
5. Red Sonja / Conan #4
Why: After the huge twist at the end of the last issue, I am excited to see how this mini-series will wrap up!
Justin Wright
1. Batman & Robin: Eternal #6
Why: I’m still sticking with this series as it leads up to Robin War. This year boasts a lot of changes in the status quo of Robins and I suspect this storyline will play heavily into that.
Airboy #4
Why: This has been a real fun series from James Robinson and Greg Hinkle and this is the finale. It’s been a drug fueled fantasy trip that crosses the lines between creators and content.
3. Autumnlands #7
Why: Autumnlands has been on hiatus for a few months, but i love anthropomorphic animal people and it will be interesting to see how this next story arc kicks off.
4. Secret Wars #7
Why: Three issues left? How long is Marvel going to drag this out? It doesn’t matter. I’ll be front and center.
5. Spider-Man 2099 #3
Why: Last issue ended with a villain confrontation. We’ll most likely see Spidey 2099 don his new suit finally.
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