Saturday Night Live Actor Bowen Yang Promotes Blasphemous ‘Dicks: The Musical’ Film, Makes Sickening Claim That God And The Devil Are Lovers

It is easy to look at the world and come to the conclusion that we are in the last days. If you disagree, you may be part of the problem.

Hollywood’s hatred of Christianity, Jesus Christ, and all things God has been one of the worst-kept secrets in the last few decades. The epicenter of cultural rebellion against Christ continues its crusade with an upcoming musical that blasphemes God in more ways than one.
A24 is coming out with an upcoming gay musical called Dicks: The Musical. The film written and starred by Aaron Jackson and Josh Sharp, is described as a story about a pair of business rivals who discover that they’re identical twins and decide to swap places in an attempt to trick their divorced parents into getting back together and becoming a family again.

On face value, that sounds like a wholesome plot until you listen to those in charge describe the film in detail.
Saturday Night Live star Bowen Yang stars in the film as ‘God’ with he/him pronouns. During an interview with IndieWire’s Alison Foreman, the comedian seem to have confirmed that his version of God is a sexual degenerate; implying that not only is He gay but that He also has sexual relations with Satan.

Foreman asks Yang whether he thought God and the Devil have had sexual intercourse and, if so, “Who was the top?”
“Oh, my god! Absolutely they’ve f—ked, and I think God was the top,” Yang replied. “In my portrayal of Him, He’s like a femme. A dom femme. A dom femme top! Lucifer is a bottom.”

Foreman and Yang continued to mock God in their line of questioning of their degenerate musical film.
“When Jesus returns, will he (A) save humanity, (B) start a podcast, (C) start a TikTok account, or (D) do something else?” asked Foreman, to which the SNL actor replied with, “I think Jesus is going to be an Ozempic influencer. He’s gonna be like, ‘Oh, my god, you guys! Look, they come in pill form now!’ — or whatever.”

“If Jesus has already returned to Earth and He’s hiding among us, who is he?” the Insider interviewer then inquired. Implying that Jesus would be hiding in plain sight as a lesbian comedienne, Yang simply responded, “Meg Stalter.”
“Would Jesus live in Los Angeles or New York?” Foreman proceeded to ask, to which the blasphemous Dick: The Musicals actor responded, “In theory, Jesus is bicoastal but can’t be in a one-industry town. He’s got to be with lots of different kinds of people. So, New York.”

As if the story couldn’t get any worse, the film also has an incest angle baked into the story — while receiving the collective praise from the media due to its blasphemous, subversive nature.
The Los Angeles Times hails the movie due to its LGBTQ themes and the way it blasphemes God of the Bible. The outlet claims that if it is not the most blasphemous film in the history of movie musicals, it’s not for a dint of effort. After protagonists Trevor (Jackson) and Craig (Sharp) reunite their estranged parents (Mullally and Lane). The two perceived brothers move together and find themselves falling in love, having sex, and getting married.

Yes, it does get worse.
After God pronounces the twins legally married, the group performs a profane song with lyrics that state: “All love is love, all love is love. God is a f**got and all love is love.” The lyrics to this song appear on-screen calling for an audience to sing along in theaters, especially the line that “God is a f**got.”

Of course being a film that mocks Christ while celebrating the LGBTQ and incest is celebrated by our news media.
The current mainstream culture has been subverted with so much depravity, our world has being crafted to rebel against God. Since the days of Sodom and Gomorrah, sexual depravity has been a plague on the nature of men and today we see the sins that lead to Sodom’s destruction popularized in Western society.

A movement that once claimed that they just wanted to get married just like the rest of us, in 10 short years has evolved into an authoritarian state of sexual sin and forced affirmation. It makes perfect sense why so many in the LGBTQ view Christianity and God as it’s spiritual enemy because their ideology is fundamentally Anti-Christ.
While Hollywood openly laughs and mocks God at every opportunity, Galatians 6:7 (NKJV) states, “Do not be deceived, God is not mocked; for whatever a man sows, that he will also reap.” Going to war against God only ends one way; defeat.

What are your thoughts on Hollywood’s latest LGBTQ mockery of God?
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