Sonic the Hedgehog Rotten Tomatoes, Metacritic, And IMDB Audience Scores Revealed
Sonic the Hedgehog races into theaters this weekend and moviegoers are already reacting to and reviewing the movie on Rotten Tomatoes, Metacritic, and IMDB.
Rotten Tomatoes
On Rotten Tomatoes the film has an All Audience rating of 94% with an average rating of 4.51 out of 5 from 1,513 ratings.
The verified audience score is also at 94% with an average rating of 4.52 from 497 reviews.
Here’s what moviegoers are saying about Sonic the Hedgehog on Rotten Tomatoes:
Paul S gives the movie 5 stars. He writes, “The SONIC movie blew me away to put it mildly, I don’t think anyone apart from a “glass half full” kind of guy thought it would turn out this good. The visuals, sound and acting are everything you would expect from a movie that is designed for fans of the game and family members who are just out for a good time. Well done Paramount, SEGA and all involved – you may have just created the best video game movie of all time. Here’s hoping we get SONIC 2 and it releases on a Tuesday!”
Dora L gives the movie 5 stars. She writes, “100% really good funny love it.”
Ignacio B gives the movie 4 stars. He writes, “I really liked the movie, I found it interesting and I loved the new sonic design.”
Joshua B gives the movie 4 stars. He writes, “Fast paced fun with heart. Sonic is a blast. James Marsden and Jim Carrey are incredibly entertaining.”
Hector H gives the movie 4 stars. He writes, “Great flick, had some forced progression, campy dialogue, and cliche moments, but Jim Carry really shines at his wackiest. The redesign of sonic was a welcoming sight as well as his quirky attitude that plays great with James Marsden more careful character.”
Brian A gives the movie 3.5 stars. He writes, “its a good well paced movie the was pretty awesome really.”
Kevin gives the movie 3.5 stars. He writes, “Fun movie that kept everyone having a good time.”
Josh C gives the movie 5 stars. He writes, “15h ago
I grew up with Sonic throughout my childhood. The first design of him was left a lot to be desired. After the director and entire team that worked on this movie committed to redesigning the character, I was determined to watch this movie. I don’t care if the movie was bad or the best thing I’ve ever seen. That aside, I loved this movie. It was fun, charming and a great time not just for fans but for any age group. Please if you are a Sonic fan, STAY FOR THE CREDITS!!!!”
William R gives it 5 stars. He writes, “Kudos to the producers, I thoroughly enjoyed it. They listened to the fans and it paid off. Afterward we all went to Olive Garden . . . for some unknown reason.”
Chris B gives the film 3.5 stars. He writes, “7/10, Went in with low expectations It’s a family friendly flick, so the plot and humor is simple, but it was full of real passion for the games and character, and Jim Carrey was amazing. I smiled a lot, and enjoyed hunting for Easter eggs. It does have real heart and is ultimately a story about friendship. Would recommend for children and fans of the franchise.”
Xavier A gives the movie 5 stars. He writes, “I can tell I will love this film. Don’t let the “critics” reviews persuade you or the slanderous bots slamming the movie to change your mond.”

Nick M gives the movie 5 stars. He writes, “My son and I went to watch last night and really loved it, we will most likely go again at the weekend as my son told me it’s his new favourite movie and has now knocked detective Pikachu off his number 1 spot! It is a children’s movie but fun for sega fans aswell I don’t think anyone would have a bad time with this movie and I would love a sequel! Stay for the credits also😉”
Roneasha E gave the movie 5 stars. She writes, “The movie was really good my son loved it I give 10’s all the way across the board.”
Clay B gives the movie 4.5 stars. He writes, “Simple heartwarming family entertainment. Better than something like Hop or Peter Rabbit, worse than something like Babe. I’d put it about on par, if not slightly better than, Detective Pikachu. Carrey is back in top form after his long depression and seeing that high energy back on the big screen was a great thing to see by itself.”
On Metacritic the film has an 8.8 User Score with 100 positive reviews, 2 mixed reviews, and 5 negative reviews.
Here’s what folks are saying on Metacritic:
RockeyX gives the film a 10. They write, “Definitely THE BEST VIDEO GAME FILM EVER! The hype is real! And has the BEST POST CREDITS SCENE EVER! We need Sonic 2!”
Megajohn85 gives the movie a 9. He writes, “It’s a true love letter to fans of the franchise Although it’s a kids movie which to be honest was expected for a franchise that started as a game for kids. It still was a blast. There were moments that were like seriously? But overall this film was action packed, wholesome, surprisingly emotional, filled with humor and heartwarming. Carrey was Robotnik was great. He reminded me of classic Carrey from the 90s. Ben Schwartz as Sonic was fantastic as well. I was surprised at how the film touched upon loneliness, the effects of it and wanting to find a home as well as just wanting a friend.”
Sonicfans1 gives the movie a 9. They write, “I’ll be honest, with similar movie like Alvin and the chipmunks and the smurfs, I though this movie was going to be awful. However, I am very happy to say that not only did the movie exceed my expectations, but shattered them. Sonic the hedgehog is a very well made film, that while is a little predictable, was still fun for me and should be fun not only for fans of sonic, and little kids, but for the whole family. Don’t blink off this film or you might miss it. P.S. TYSON HESSE IS THE BEST”
Naim456 gives the movie a 9. They write, “I love how this movie respects that you are a Sonic fan by showing Sonic’s history in the video games.”
Juice231 gives the movie an 8. They write, “Fun popcorn movie. There’s some cheese here and there (clearly aimed towards kids) but it seems like it was written by people who loved the games and Jim Carey brought his 90s chops back for Robotnik which was an awesome take on the character.”
Blakekl gives the movie a 9. They write, “My favorite video game by far. But let’s be honest… most of them are bad. I think Sonic did a good job at making an enjoyable movie both for fans and people who know nothing about the character. My wife and kids loved it, and my wife doesn’t touch video games. She was laughing pretty consistently throughout the movie. It’s far from a perfect movie, but for a video game movie far worse has been done before. I was really hoping this movie would actually be good, but was expecting something awful. My family definitely enjoyed it and I’m sure we’ll be seeing it again. I enjoyed it more than many of the recent sonic games, so there’s that.”

Macklebob gives the movie a 10. They write, “I am a big sonic fan, so ofc i loved this film. Sonic just looks epic and the movie was epically enjoyably epic.”
Goreminster gives the movie an 8. They write, “To be honest; The story of this movie fits on a sheet of paper, BUT it´s a fun movie. The action is well dosed and Jim Carrey as evil Doctor Eggman owns every scene he´s in. He acts like in the good old times, when he starred in movies like Ace Ventura or The MAsk. The redesign of Sonic pays tribute to the source material and you can find lots of hints to the game here and there. So, if you want to delight in nostalgia and just wanna have a good time at the movies, I recommend Sonic The Hedgehog.”
ToshiroTakashi gives the movie an 8. They write, “Amazing feel good movie about friendship, for people of all ages. Even people that never played a Sonic game. You need to watch this movie if you want to smile and just have a great time. Especially if you’re tired of depressing (although great) movies like Joker or Birds of Prey, you should watch Sonic. Because there’s already enough sadness and violence in the real world. I can’t wait for a sequel. Oh and wait til the last minute before leaving the theaters.”
Alexandre07 gives the movie a 1. They write, “Another very bad adaptation, only sonic visual is good, story weak, atuation weak, visual effecs very bad, stay all horrible.”
TheLionHearted gives the movie a 2. They write, “to say I was disappointed wouod he an understatement. I felt actively drained of energy and patience while watching, nearly every aspect of the movie was bad, and 90% of the jokes fell flat.”
Zmagalen2000 gives the movie a 5. They write, “Sonic, one of the most beloved video game characters of all time, finally makes his cinematic debut in a somewhat anti-climactic fashion. Sonic The Hedgehog is not bad by any means, but it’s nowhere near spectacular. The movie is nothing but a hodgepodge of disarray resulting from placing a video game character into an alternate reality. That’s it. It’s incongruous with the franchise and lacks any depth necessary for it to be considered a decent film. I give major props to Paramount for redesigning Sonic, but was the effort worth it if they could only pump out a film equal in quality to the initial character’s design?”
On IMDB the film has a weighted average of 7.0 out of 10 from 1838 users.
Based on IMDB reviewers, the film performed better among females across all age groups. It also performed marginally better with users outside of the United States.
Here’s what people are saying on IMDB:
Mamba_King gives the movie an 8 out of 10. They write, “When I saw the original trailer I was genuinely horrified in Sonic’s design, like a person in bad cosplay. After the redesign many like myself felt the need to support this movie to honour the fan service and genuine care. I’m sure glad that I did. A funny movie, Jim Carrey was amazing like always and of course Sonic looked great. A very fun movie for the whole family.”
Omarfigureoafilms gives the movie an 8 out of 10. They write, “Sonic definitely exceeded all my expectations. The film has excellent music, cinematography and acting, with an incredible battle between Dr. Eggman and Sonic. Jim Carrey is the king of comedy, he really made Dr. Eggman scary and dangerous. Don’t listen to critics, it’s great!”
educunhaholanda gives the movie a 10 out of 10. They write, “A movie that I thought was going to be a trainwreck really surprised me. Jim Carrey really steals the show with a phenomenal performance. An excellent film to take your whole family to the cinema and have a good laugh. Very funny!”
Daviddevilliers54 gives the movie a 10 out of 10. They write, “This is a genuinely excellent movie! I was a little skeptical at first given the fact that there would’ve been a chance that even though they fixed Sonic’s design, this movie was going to be too much like The Smurfs. But boy was I wrong! Jim Carrey absolutely steals the show as Dr. Robotnik, who will eventually adopt the name Eggman, and Sonic just looks so cute! The action scenes are excellent and some jokes are really hilarious! I’d highly recommend this movie to anybody!”
Raptcat gives the movie a 9 out of 10. They write, “This movie just doesn’t let you feel bored, it’s full of fun, energy (as well as Sonic himself!), jokes, pop-culture references and loveable characters. The storyline is pretty simple, but still it doesn’t mean it’s bad, the main advantage of this movie is its fun and a huge amount of energy, it has great action scenes and I just love that kind of relationship between the main characters. It’s so easy to enjoy all of this, and I think Sonic as one of the most iconic videogame characters has a great presentation in his debut movie. Gotta go fast to watch this movie one more time, highly recommend you for watching, even if you are not a Sonic fan!”
Hoongfatt gives the movie a 10 out of 10. They write, “STILL CAN’T BELIEVE HOW GOOD THIS MOVIE IS .. Even the little ones loved it !!! you don’t even need to be a Fan of the game to enjoy this movie… Very Fun and 100% wholesome movie for the whole family !! what shocked me is not even one fart joke!! this is how a GOOD movie should be …FUN!!! RESPECT THE CHARACTER AND ALSO KEEP US AUDIENCE ENTERTAINED !!! Haven’t had a movie that put such a big smile on me and the family’s face in long while !!! 10 STARS from us !!!”

Rufrocko gives the movie a 10 out of 10. They write, “I was a little nervous watching this movie but then I relaxed and really enjoyed it, the special effects are nice and im just curious what the sequel will be like, you cant go wrong with the sonic movie, and jim carrey was funny.”
Donovanmcrale gives the movie a 10 out of 10. They write, “Definitely a movie worth watching, one of the best animated that I’ve seen.”
Epicbrowniez gives the movie a 10 out of 10. They write, “I enjoyed the movie and I was so glad it wasn’t a flop because most video game movies are kind of become a train wreck with exceptions such as Mario bro’s movie, mortal kombat, street fighter etc this felt like a breathe of fresh air for this movie.”
Clarkishome gives the movie a 7 out of 10. They write, “One of those movies that the whole family will enjoy. No one will win any awards, but thoroughly enjoyable mixed with action and family values. Jim Carrey is at his usual crazy self that adds a sense of humor to the film. I thoroughly recommend this movie and hopefully we will see more sequels.”
Bryonnelson-95733 gives the movie a 5 out of 10. They write, “Not horrible, but definitely not good either. The movies jokes are incredibly dated and when it’s not its just incredibly unfunny. Good job on the design, doesn’t mean its a better movie though.”
Jjhone gives the movie a 7 out of 10. They write, “This movie is suitable for family watch . There is no much comedy but it is still funny and amusing. It isn’t the big return of Jim Carrey but i see some of old Jim carrey.”
What do you make of these audience scores and reviews? Do you plan on seeing Sonic the Hedgehog in theaters?
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