Star Wars Fans Share Their Support For Gina Carano On Star Wars’ Official Facebook Page For International Women’s Day

Star Wars fans shared their support for former The Mandalorian actress Gina Carano on an International Women’s Day post on the official Star Wars Facebook page.
The official Star Wars Facebook page posted an excerpt from Star Wars: Women of the Galaxy celebrating Leia Organa.
The excerpt reads, “Leia Organa’s fearless bravery, intelligence, sharp wit, and commitment to fighting galactic tyranny make her an inspiration not only to the Rebellion, but to generations of Star Wars fans around the world. She’s the embodiment of hope from her first scene, when she’s evading Darth Vader to send the plans for the Death Star to someone who can help.”
It continued, “The first female lead in a galaxy far, far away, she’s at the center of the saga. She’s a Rebel, a princess, a senator, general, and hero; she’s a power player, and would be without her title or Force-sensitivity.”
The post concluded, “Whether blasting stormtroopers or making a persuasive argument, working to install the New Republic or leading the fight against the First Order, she’s a formidable leader and military strategist, and anyone who dares underestimate her learns doing so is a terrible mistake.”
In the comments Star Wars fans celebrated Gina Carano and her character Cara Dune, who was fired by Lucasfilm.
A Lucasfilm and Star Wars spokesman announced Carano was no longer working with the company and then proceeded to lie about her.
The spokesman stated, “Gina Carano is not currently employed by Lucasfilm and there are no plans for her to be in the future.”
It added, “Nevertheless, her social media posts denigrating people based on their cultural and religious identities are abhorrent and unacceptable.”
Carano shared a post to her Instagram Stories warning about the dangers of hating your neighbors and how it can lead to horrific violence.
Related: Kathleen Kennedy Gets The Hitler Meme Video Treatment After Gina Carano Firing
Jim Riley wrote on Facebook, “You know who else is brave, intelligent, sharp witted, and committed to fighting tyranny in real life as well as on the screen?”
He proceeded to share a gif of Carano’s Cara Dune.
JR Bolton wrote, “Fearless, bravery, intelligence, sharp wit, and commitment to fighting galactic tyranny make her an inspiration- Star Wars: Women of the Galaxy.”
Chris Leard wrote, “Cara Dune was a strong woman as well.”
Kimball Carter wrote, “Star wars when they opt to fire strong independent women rather than trying to help prop them up…”
David Baker stated, “You mean like the kind of tyranny you showed by firing Gina Carano, a strong woman? This rings hollow and a poor attempt to save face. That said, Leia and Carrie Fisher were awesome! The Empire has destroyed Alderaan twice now.”
Related: Will Gina Carano’s Firing Break Cancel Culture’s Grip On American Society?
John LaBar stated, “Yes Lucasfilm/Disney support strong, brave women, well unless you have an opposing view then you must be cancelled.”
“Disney loves strong female role models as long as they agree with their politics,” said James Lundy.
Victoria Freeman responded to the post writing, “Ya know… there’s another strong, independent lady from Alderaan that would be a great spotlight for Women’s day…”
Marvin Burgueno wrote, “‘Gina Carano fearless bravery, intelligence, sharp wit, and commitment to fighting galactic tyranny make her an inspiration not only to the Rebellion, but to generations of True Star Wars fans around the world. She’s the embodiment of hope from her first scene, when she’s evading Kathleen Kennedy to send the plans for the Toxicity of Disney to someone who can help.'”
He continued, “‘The first female lead in a galaxy far, far away, she’s at the center of the saga. She’s a Rebel, she’s a power player, and would be without her title or Speaking of the truth. Whether blasting stormtroopers or making a persuasive argument, working to install the New Republic or leading the fight against the true enemy of Star Wars, she’s a formidable leader and military strategist, and anyone who dares underestimate her learns doing so is a terrible mistake.'”
“This from a company that bows to China and ignores real concentration camps all for that sweet sweet CCP money. Leia would be proud,” wrote Christopher Backa.
Mark Rachwal stated, “Since kathy kennedy didn’t create her character I’m sure her or her hateful minions would find something to cancel her too. #firekathleenkennedy it’s the only way to save the franchise.”
And Steph Lange wrote, “‘Don’t try to ruin my life with lies when yours can be ruined by the truth.’ – Gina Carano. #firekathleenkennedy #weloveginacarano #istandwithginacarano.”
The response to this Women’s Day post is just the latest in a long list of posts, tweets, and videos where Star Wars fans have expressed their disgust, disappointment, and anger towards Star Wars and the current Lucasfilm leadership.
While Carano hasn’t specifically weighed in on this post, she did recently post a number of memes to her Instagram Stories created by her fans.
One from sethcolley2 reads, “What’s that, Hollywood? You want to be the one to decide who my daughters look up to? I think not. In this house, we will look up to women who are strong, brave, and think for themselves.”
In another one she shared, classycassie1_ wrote, “Screw cancel culture! I stand with Gina and I won’t apologize for it!”
And this fan-driven campaign against Disney and Lucasfilm does not appear to be losing steam any time soon. As a recent poll from from Neil Newhouse of Public Opinion Strategies claims that 72% respondents were opposed to Carano’s firing.
The Daily Wire reported, “After reviewing the post, 28% said Disney was right to fire Carano, 39% said it may have been poorly worded, but she did not deserve to get fired, and 34% said they found nothing wrong with the quote and that Carano should not have been fired.”
The poll also found that “fully 60% of Americans say they have a less favorable impression of the company, and 58% say they are less likely to watch Disney programming.”
Despite public opinion turning against Disney and Lucasfilm, Disney management doubling down on their leadership and their repeated immoral behavior.
Specifically, Disney CEO Bob Chapek lavished praise on Kathleen Kennedy describing her as a “genius.” He also described her as an “absolute treasure” among other compliments.
What do you make of Star Wars fans persistence in calling out Disney and Lucasfilm for their bad behavior?