The Daily Stupid: Cow Cuddling, Jeep, WandaVision, And Brian Stelter

Welcome to The Daily Stupid, where we cover some of the dumbest and most idiotic things happening around the world and on the internet.
Today, we’ve got more stupid including cow cuddling, The Washington Post attacking Jeep, a hilarious WandaVision comparison, and CNN’s Brian Stelter embarrassing and debasing himself.
Let’s get to it.
1. Cow Cuddling
Americans are seeking refuge in the hide of cows. This is not a joke. The Washington Post reports people are seeking out cows to give them hugs.
A 45 year-old psychologist named Renee Behinfar from Scottsdale, Arizona told the paper, “It was really my first real hug of the year.”
The Washington Post’s Kellie B. Gormly reports, “People are signing up to hug cows at sanctuaries across the country, many desperate for affection as the nation approaches a full year of social distancing during the pandemic.”

At one farm, cow cuddling sessions cost $75 an hour and the owner of Aimee’s Farm Animal Sanctuary says she receives 20 calls a day and has offered the service for five years.
Aimee Takaha says, “They’re just like happy pills, just to be around.”
Obviously, animal farms have been around for awhile, but paying $75 an hour to cuddle with a cow is absurd. Here’s a better idea. Call your family. Go visit them. Spend time with him. Hug and kiss them.
Or you could even volunteer at an animal shelter where you can cuddle with dogs and cats for free.
You don’t need to be cuddling cows at $75 an hour. It’s idiotic.
2. Jeep
Sticking with The Washington Post today, the paper ran an op-ed by Angela R. Riley, Sonia K. Katyal, and Rachel Lim titled, “The Jeep Cherokee is not a tribute to Indians. Change the name.”
In the op-ed they write, “Native trademarks are particularly fraught, because they cannot be disentangled from the harrowing history of mistreatment and land dispossession in the United States.”
It’s a disingenuous argument and is part of the constant victim game our society has delved into it. It neglects the documented evidence that Native American tribes across the present-day United States warred with each other.

Nevertheless these loons even go after the children’s game cowboys and Indians writing, “Over the years, non-Indians have co-opted Indian culture and identity as a distinctly American phenomenon. The practice of generations of American children playing “cowboys and Indians” is one facile example.”
In fact, most of the op-ed isn’t even about Jeep or their vehicle named Cherokee. It’s about all the corporations using Native American imagery in their marketing and how bad that is.
It’s utterly stupid. And the people who wrote it are complete morons.
3. WandaVision Is The Last Jedi of The MCU
This one isn’t just stupid, it’s hilariously stupid. Inverse unironically published an article titled “In The End, WandaVision Was The Last Jedi Of The MCU.”
And they actually think that’s a good thing. In fact, the anonymous writer claims, “With The Last Jedi, writer-director Rian Johnson did one thing: He questioned everything. WandaVision is doing the same thing for our expectations of the Marvel Cinematic Universe.”
But what’s even stupider than the headline is some of the braindead writing in the actual article. At one point the writer claims, “But WandaVision never promised “surprises.” Bettany’s trolling aside, what WandaVision promoted since the beginning was an exploration of nostalgia as a coping mechanism for pain, grief, and loss. It was not a teaser for a new X-Men movie (even if it was designed to set up Doctor Strange and the Multiverse of Madness).”
However, just two paragraphs later they write, “Did Marvel court the theories? Sure. Look no further than the way the studio announced WandaVision at Comic-Con in 2019 in the same breath as Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness, with Olsen and Benedict Cumberbatch together on stage. It’s an extravagant reveal designed to generate excitement.”
How dumb do you have to be to literally write that two paragraphs apart? Seriously, this is Ta-Nehisi Coates level of writing. It’s horrendous.
But the last sentences of the article take the cake. It reads, “The Last Jedi did not give its audience the bowl of frosting they thought they wanted. It did something that WandaVision went on to emulate years later. It gave us something we didn’t know we needed, something we still need, something we will always need: A story about hope against overwhelming odds.”
WandaVision did not do that. A New Hope did. Return of the Jedi did. Pull your heads out of your butts. Inverse and their anonymous writer, you are complete and utter morons.
4. Brian Stelter
CNN’s “Reliable Sources’ host debased himself on live TV when he decided to film himself not wearing pants and then air it as part of a segment on his show.
He pointed to ABC News correspondent Will Reeve not wearing pants on Good Morning America last April before showing video of him not wearing any pants for a segment on CNN.
Stelter explained, “This was me live on CNN with just two minutes notice, talking with Wolf Blitzer about Trump’s Twitter account being banned.
why would Stelter air this clip of him doing a live shot without pants on his own show?
— Watchdog (@LibWatchdog) March 7, 2021
It doesn’t take two minutes to put on pants.
Brian Stelter, you are an absolute idiot.
This has been your Daily Stupid. If you have suggestions for tomorrow, leave a comment or hit us up on social media.