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Voltron From The Ashes Preview Page
September 15, 2015
The world is at peace and Voltron has remained dormant for over 200 years. Yet, a select group of monks remains vigilant in training potential pilots. And vigilant they should be, for Haggar, the Mother of Monsters, lies dormant waiting to be awakened by the hand of conquerors. How does it fare?
Red Sonja Conan #2 Preview Page
September 8, 2015
Red Sonja and Conan were marching off to battle in the first issue and in this issue we get a gory, action-packed war that puts the two champions to the test. Will they be able to defeat Kal’ang in time? How does it fare?
Vampirella / Army of Darkness #3 Variant Cover
September 8, 2015
When you crack open a crossover comic book about Ash and Vampirella, you know what to expect. You know what […]
Aliens / Vampirella NYCC Exclusive Cover
September 1, 2015
Vampirella may have met her match as she ventures deep into the newly-discovered catacombs on Mars and finds Aliens! Will she and her crew of human scientists be able to survive? How does it fare?
September 1, 2015
The Shadow continues his hunt for the Society of United Magicians as they seek ever more grave methods of obtaining the Last Illusion. They are even plotting to end The Shadow. Will The Shadow be able to survive their traps or will he be used to obtain the Last Illusion? How does it fare?
September 1, 2015
Miss Fury & Lady Rawhide are drawn together through an interdimensional revolving door to combat Voodoo Childe and an unnamed, winged demoness. How does it fare?
Army of Darkness: Ash in Space TPB Cover
August 19, 2015
[easyazon_link identifier=”1606906917″ locale=”US” tag=”bounintocomi-20″]Army of Darkness: Ash in Space[/easyazon_link] is a fun Evil Dead adventure with a sci-fi twist. For the most part Cullen Bunn captures the essence of the franchise. Larry Watts’ art isn’t spectacular, but it gets the story across (the most noticeable flaw is Ash’s face).
Vampirella/Army of Darkness Preview Page
August 11, 2015
As far as a crossover goes, writer Mark Rahner hits all the notes you would expect in the second issue of Vampirella / Army of Darkness. Ash says one-line wisecracks, something-something deadites, and Vampirella runs around without much clothing on.
Red Sonja / Conan Cover B by Benes
August 6, 2015
Kal’ang, an evil mage, has betrayed his king, stolen a magical seed, and raised his own army. A prophecy speaks of two people who can stop him, Red Sonja and Conan. Are they up to the task or has the mage perfected his elixir allowing his evil plans to come to pass?
August 4, 2015
A group of magicians known as the Society of United Magicians has had a number of members go rogue in pursuit of Harry Houdini’s secrets regarding The Last Illusion. The only man who can stop these magicians from continuing their murderous spree is The Shadow!