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November 1, 2019
Tini Howard’s Excalibur is the latest book from the X-Men’s Dawn of X but doesn’t quite live up to the hype. At least not yet.
October 5, 2019
Rogue and Gambit are arguably the most storied couple in the X-Men mythos. Here are their 10 greatest moments in the couples history togeather.
October 1, 2019
House of X and Powers of X has been able to juggle a lot of X-Men during the 12-issues, but there are more than a few big ones that have to be seen!
September 6, 2019
The team that Jonathan Hickman sent to dispatch the Mother Mold in House of X was impressive. But there is always room for improvement.
September 5, 2019
The X-Men franchise is known for juggling large casts of characters. But every so often one steps into the splotlight and demands your attention.
September 3, 2019
What happens when you fill a fancy mansion with a bunch of supermodels? The X-Men sure found out over the years.
August 19, 2019
The introduction of the X-Men into Disney’s Marvel Cinematic Universe feels like it’s right around the corner, but which lucky mutants will make the cut?
July 23, 2019
Marvel announces new X-Men books at San Diego Comic-Con to follow Jonathan Hickman’s House of X and Powers of X.
July 22, 2019
Marvel announces plans to launch at least 6 new X-Men titles following the conclusion of Summer event books, House of X & Powers of X!
June 28, 2019
How often and how successful have the X-Men been outside of their own little corner of the Marvel Universe? Here are 10 times they struckout on their own.