Dragon Ball’s Frieza Executes Baby Yoda In New Art Piece By Artist Anthony Saif

In the ongoing debate over whether Baby Yoda’s penchant for Frog Eggs constitutes is merely the result of harmless innocence or points to something far more sinister, Dragon Ball’s Frieza has stepped in to weigh on the issue, with his viewpoint being made in a piece by Venezuelan artist Anthony Saif.
For those unfamiliar with the current round of Star Wars-based discourse, fans have been torn over the massive amounts of frog eggs, said to be the last offspring of the amphibious creature seeking transport aboard The Mandalorian’s ship, Baby Yoda was seen to consume in the second episode of the Disney+ series’ second season.
For some, Baby Yoda’s behavior was seen as nothing more than a humorous running gag, with many pointing to the Child’s habit of eating various creatures and a presumed innocence based on his relatively young age.
Others believed the scene depicted something a bit more horrific, pointing to the Frog creatures sentience and the Child’s clear understanding of right and wrong, as seen when he hides a final egg from the Frog passenger in the final moments of the episode, to argue that Baby Yoda’s amphibious food habit carried the implication of a species-wide genocide.
The debate has gripped all corners of the Star Wars fandom this past week, with reactions ranging from general confusion over the very topic of debate to outright condemnation and insults from Lucasfilm and Star Wars executive Pablo Hidalgo.
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As the debate made the rounds across social media, a drawing began to circulate that shows Lord Frieza, arguably the most evil villain in the history of Dragon Ball, providing a definitive opinion on the adorable-but-possibly-genocidal Star Wars icon.
In the piece, drawn in December of last year by artist Anthony Saif, Lord Frieza is seen putting an end to Baby Yoda’s reign of terror almost a full year before he was put on social media trial for his alleged crimes.
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Of course, as the drawing was made almost a year prior to the premiere of the aforementioned episode, it’s obvious that Saif’s work is not a direct commentary on the Baby Yoda debate, but its relevance to the current discourse is undeniably uncanny.
Aside from his work creating surprisingly relevant crossover fanart, Saif is also an accomplished pencil artist, regularly producing incredibly detailed portraits, celebrities, and fictional characters, particularly within the realm of anime.
Among Saif’s works are an illustration of Hugh Jackman as the Logan-era Wolverine, the Gold Saints team from the Saint Seya series, and, surprisingly, a beautiful recreation of Val Kilmer in his Batman Forever Batsuit.
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Saif posted his most recent portrait, a black and white depiction of HIM lead singer Ville Vallo, just four days prior to this article’s writing.
Fans wishing to see more of Saif’s worth can find a portfolio of his work located on both his personal Instagram account and his Adobe Behance page.
What do you make of Saif’s drawing? Where do you think Lord Frieza would land in the debate over Baby Yoda’s eating habits?
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