Outspoken Wrestling Legend Ole Anderson Passes Away Aged 81

A wrestler and personality who was instrumental in the formation of the infamous Four Horsemen stable and in the creative for World Championship Wrestling and the National Wrestling Alliance for years has died. Ole Anderson passed away suddenly aged 81 in Georgia.

Though he never worked there and didn’t have much admiration for the company, WWE reported on Anderson’s passing and paid tribute to him. “A founding member of The Four Horsemen, Ole’s hard-nosed style and gruff demeanor helped define the group as one of the greatest stables in sports-entertainment history,” staff wrote on their website.
“Trained by WWE Hall of Famer Verne Gagne, Anderson was a prolific and decorated tag team wrestler, most famously alongside Arn Anderson in The Minnesota Wrecking Crew,” the obit continued. Despite the name, the Wrecking Crew wrestled primarily in Georgia and the Carolinas where Anderson would become best known.

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Ole was the third member of the team founded by Lars and Gene Anderson. Replacing Lars, he and Gene became a top tag team in the NWA during the 1970s. Arn did not come along until the mid-80s when Ole reformed the team in his image, but when he did, the rest was history.
They would form the Horseman with Tully Blanchard, manager JJ Dillon, and NWA Champion Ric Flair – also a student of Gagne. Although the group was a force to be reckoned with and considered the greatest heel stable of all time, that doesn’t mean Ole liked everybody.
He saved his most venomous opprobrium for Flair specifically in shoot interviews, such as the one below.
Following Anderson’s death, however, Flair buried the hatchet on social media. “I Am Forever Thankful To Ole And Gene For Bringing Me In To Crockett Promotions As A Cousin. It Launched My Career. I will be grateful forever for you giving me the opportunity to become who I am today,” said Flair via X (the former Twitter). “We didn’t always agree with each other, but the honest to God truth Is you & gene started me. Rest In Peace My Friend!”
More tributes are pouring in that send thoughts and prayers to Anderson’s family. His gruff and blunt demeanor might not have won him many friends, which his colleagues can attest, but Ole Anderson will be missed.
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