Former Rooster Teeth Employee Mica Burton Explains Decision for Departure: “I Didn’t Leave Because of the Community, I Left Because of the Company”

In the wake of the recent protests and renewed discussions of race surrounding the death of George Floyd, actress and former Rooster Teeth employee Mica Burton has revealed that systemic issues dealing with the topic of racism within the company led to her 2018 departure from the production studio.
On June 3rd, Rooster Teeth Associate Producer Marie Salcedo prompted a discussion regarding racism and the company’s content, by declaring “white supremacists” and “racists” had “no room in my audience or community.”
In case I haven’t been clear, White Supremacists have no room in my audience or my community. Racists have no room in my audience or my community.
— Mariel Salcedo – Fuck Racists (@MarielSalcedo) June 3, 2020
During the discussion that followed, a fan recalled the “absolute shitstorm that Mica faced when she ‘dared’ to speak about her experiences as a Black woman.”
Do you remember the absolute shitstorm that Mica faced when she ‘dared’ to speak out about her experiences as a Black woman? Made me fucking ashamed to be a part of this community. But watching everyone come together now eases some of that.
— Mercy (@cyrodilicbrandy) June 3, 2020
The comment was a reference to a wave of criticism Mica received for discussing her views on “racism, sexism, inequality and discrimination during an appearance on the Off Topic podcast.
Taking responsibility for their failure, Salcedo would admit that the company “should have spoken out then.”
We should have spoken out then.
— Mariel Salcedo – Fuck Racists (@MarielSalcedo) June 3, 2020
This admission by Salcedo prompted Burton to join the conversation, revealing that she “didn’t leave [Rooster Teeth] because of the community, [she] left because of the company.”
I’ve been very quiet about my experience with RT, but with the now vocalizarion of regret of lack of support from my ex coworkers I can say with confidence I didn’t leave because of the community, I left because of the company.
— Mica Burton (@MicaBurton) June 3, 2020
While Burton did not provide details on any specific offensive events or employees, the former Achievement Hunter host noted that the company had made her feel “abandoned, blacklisted, ignored, and most of all not believed” and that their primary concern was their ongoing relationship with her father, Star Trek: The Next Generation and Reading Rainbow actor LeVar Burton.
I’m glad the penny has dropped for a lot of them, that is progress! But that does not changed being abandoned, blacklisted, ignored, and most of all not believed. When “is your dad going to hate us now” was a bigger concern than my wellbeing, I knew I had to go.
— Mica Burton (@MicaBurton) June 3, 2020
Stating that “this isn’t about me right now,” Burton declined to direct the spotlight from the events happening at a national level linking to a Vox article titled “How to be a good white ally, according to activists.”
Maybe a statement will come, maybe it won’t. This isn’t about me right now, I just couldn’t sit by and see myself mentioned constantly without speaking for myself. Take this pain and anger, and let’s make a change. Let’s get active. 🖤
— Mica Burton (@MicaBurton) June 3, 2020
She also asked her followers that no “hate [be] thrown on my behalf” and to instead “get active,” providing links to a Black Lives Matter recommended list of actions to take.
And I DO NOT want hate thrown on my behalf. Channel those emotions into positive actions. Here are some amazing resources. I stand for love, as should you ✊🏾
🖤Where to start:
🖤Charity for equestrian lessons for black kids:
— Mica Burton (@MicaBurton) June 3, 2020
Following the publication of her statement, Burton received an outpouring of support and apologies from members of the Rooster Teeth team, including The Slo Mo Guys creator Gavin Free, Director and Producer Matt Hullum, Director of Social and Community Marketing Barbara Dunkelman, and company co-founder Geoff Ramsey, who admitted they did little to support Burton in the past and pledged to do better going forward.
Thank you for picking up the phone & taking the time to talk today, & thank you for allowing me to listen. I’ll be 45 in about a week, & you at 25 have taught the shit out of me, & done it with patience and kindness. We’re never to old to learn, and should always strive to. ❤️
— Geoff Ramsey (@GeoffLRamsey) June 3, 2020
I wasn’t there for Mica like I should have been. I should have stood up for her, been there for her, been vocal and fought back against the hate she was receiving– but I wasn’t, and I didn’t. She, and so many others, are helping me learn what it truly means to be an ally.
— Barbara Dunkelman (@bdunkelman) June 3, 2020
Mica, this is heartbreaking. I apologize for not supporting you more vocally, both personally and company-wide. You suffered real hate, and I wish I had done far more. I’m so sorry. I am proud of the work you did. Thank you for pushing me to do better.
— Matt Hullum (@MattHullum) June 4, 2020
I need to admit I have said horrible things in failed attempts to be funny over the years and you helped me see how my own privilege blinded me to the seriousness of my actions. I should’ve spoken up publicly for you more and have been so thankful for your guidance and friendship
— Gavin Free (@GavinFree) June 3, 2020
This act of speaking out was also praised by her father, who exclaimed how “proud” he was of his daughter for “speaking your truth” and stated that Rooster Teeth “failed you and your right to work in an environment absent blatant racism.”
So proud of you for speaking your truth, Kiddo! I know you’ve been holding this in for four long years. As a company @roosterteeth failed you and your right to work in an environment absent blatant racism. Hopefully now they will address their toxic company culture!
— LeVar Burton (@levarburton) June 3, 2020
Burton’s statement is the second in as many days to cite Rooster Teeth’s internal culture as a direct reason for an employee’s departure. On June 2nd, Rooster Teeth co-founder Joel Heyman vaguely alluded to unknown events which led him to “basically [stop] coming in, after a thing,” eventually resulting in his exit from the company.
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