Snow White Actress Rachel Zegler Attempts To Rehab Her Vile Image By Calling To Love Her Critics “In The Right Direction”

Upcoming Snow White actress Rachel Zegler continues to try to rehab her image as she recently called to love her critics “in the right direction.”

Zegler previously detailed she is an anti-police activist and libeled Kyle Rittenhouse back in 2020.
Zegler responded to an article from Vice News reporting that Rittenhouse had been charged with murder tweeting, “A 17-year-old murderer. A 17-year-old racist. A 17-year-old white supremacist.”

Rittenhouse was found not guilty on all charges by a jury of his peers. Nevertheless, Zegler used the opportunity to call for the abolishment of the police.
She tweeted, ““Kind reminder that this is the kind of person who aspired to be a cop! So! Abolish the police! Because oh my god!”

Zegler also called a supporter of Donald Trump a “racist” after the supporter tweeted, “You’re right. If you’re american vote for Trump to promote FREE SPEECH.”
Zegler responded, “Sit the hell down, racist.”

She would go on to call President Donald Trump a “white supremacist and racist” tweeting, “Recognize that the person in office right now is a white supremacist and racist. And supporting him makes you the same. So sit— and I cannot stress this enough— the HELL down, racist.”

Interestingly, she also claims to be at fault for “never ending racism.”
She wrote, “If you think using my platform as any decent human being should is ‘barking orders’, hahaha. Ok. I have donated, shared, and will continue to educate myself on the never ending racism that I— and many other white/white passing people— am to blame for. Do the same. Be well.”

Not only has Zegler targeted Kyle Rittenhouse, Trump supporters, and President Donald Trump, but she also went after Hawkeye actor Jeremy Renner.
She tweeted, back in October 2019, ““actually i think the new hawkeye should be a trans woman of color to stick it to that racist sexist transphobic garbage monster.”

She went on to claim that Renner has “made racist, sexist transphobic comments, and totally disrespected the Deaf community.”

RELATED: Steven Spielberg’s West Side Story Bombs At The Box Office After He Used Hispanic Racial Slur
Following her box office bomb with Steven Spielberg’s West Side Story, Zegler is desperately trying to rehab her image as she appeared opposite Spider-Man: No Way Home actor Andrew Garfield as part of Variety’s Actors on Actors segment.
Zegler would address critics of her race-swapped Snow White casting during the video call after Garfield gushed over her casting saying, “What an amazing thing and perfect casting. They say directing is like 80% casting, Marc [Webb] is a great director in that regard ’cause you are Snow White. You are canon Snow White at this point in my imagination.”
Garfield then asks, “How are you feeling about it? How are you feeling about the role and the experience?”

Zegler responded, “Never in a million years did I imagine that this would be a possibility for me. You don’t normally see Snow Whites that are of Latin descent. Even though Snow White is really a big deal in Spanish-speaking countries.”
“Blanca Nieves is a huge icon whether you’re talking about the Disney cartoon or just different iterations and the Grimm fairy tale and all the stories that come with it. She is really big in the Spanish language. But you don’t particularly see people who look like me or are me playing roles like that,” she continued.
Zegler then brought up the backlash to her casting saying, “When it got announced, it was a huge thing that was trending on Twitter for days, because all of the people were angry.”

Garfield would respond declaring that people upset with the casting need to be lectured to, “Ah, those people. The people that we need to educate. The people that we need to love into awareness.”
Zegler concurred stating, “We need to love them in the right direction, exactly. At the end of the day, I have a job to do that I’m really excited to do. I get to be a Latina princess.”

What do you make of Zegler’s comments? Are you ready to be loved in the right direction?
NEXT: Rachel Zegler Hints At Radical-Left Feminism In Disney’s Upcoming Snow White Live-Action Film
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