Square Enix’s Ethics Department Strikes Again As Tifa ‘Panty Scene’ Censored For ‘Final Fantasy VII: Rebirth’

Another day, another developer deferring to the overtly puritanical sensitivities of Western activists, this time as it has been confirmed that, in a disappointing deviation from the game’s original release, the upcoming Final Fantasy VII: Rebirth has cut the not feature the comedic scene wherein Cloud takes a specific ‘souvenir’ from Tifa’s underwear drawer.

As seen in the PS1 version of the fan-favorite RPG, the scene in question plays out as part of Cloud’s flashback to his very first trip back to his hometown of Nibelheim following his enlistment in Shinra’s SOLDIER organization.
Therein, he recalls to the group that, at one point during his visit, he had made a stop over at the home of his childhood friend and current party member, Tifa. only to discover that she was not currently available.
Taken aback by this reveal of Cloud’s surprise-but-ultimately-unproductive attempt to see her, Tifa then begins to press Cloud on just what he got up to in her absence, to which – based on player choice – he can admit to having not just spent some time alone in her house, but also to rummaging around her belongings.
This includes her wardrobe, which upon interaction by the player bestows upon them a pair of “othrhopedic underwear” – the implication being that the blonde-haired protagonist had chosen to secretly steal her undergarments.
In response to this admission, Tifa chastises the hero, belting “CLOUD!!!” at the top of her lungs.
From there, the player can choose to reply with one of three options – “It’s true,” “Just kidding,” or “Don’t get mad…” – all of which draw the same urging from Tifa, “…Cloud. We’re talking about something really important here.”

And unfortunately for fans, this moment has been censored in the upcoming Rebirth.
Per the game’s recently released demo, following his inspection of the wardrobe, rather than the risqué gift, Cloud is instead met with the question from Tifa, “You went through my stuff?”
Should the player answer in the affirmative, the ‘Flashback Cloud’ will peek his head inside the wardrobe while his present day self positively answers, “I know I shouldn’tve…”.
In turn, Tifa chastises “CLOUD!!!” before being joined by Aerith for a duet of “You a–hole!”
[Time Stamp: 1:55]
Unfortunately, this change comes as no surprise given the confirmed existence of the company’s notorious Ethics Department, which, per a description of their work provided by an employee, ensures that “all game expressions, including scenarios, illustrations, designs, and effects, to ensure that they do not contain expressions that are discriminatory, prejudicial, or offensive, and that they are in compliance with the game rating”.
“We are involved in the game from the planning stage and continuously check the game as it progresses through development, which gives us a great sense of accomplishment when the game is successfully launched,” the employee added. “The Ethics Team’s job is to make corrections to what the developers have seriously created.”

As of writing, neither Square Enix nor any party related to the development of Final Fantasy VII Rebirth have offered public comment on the decision to censor this scene.
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