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The cover for Prophet: Earth War #5 is straight out of the sci-fi pulp racks: a four-armed, scowling space warrior
“I can’t believe I’m doing this. I’ve turned my back on the Eradicator.” Once again the House of El’s family
Who is Snotgirl? She’s Lottie Person, a 25-year-old fashion blogger, living her life totally chic and effortlessly! She’s also the
“It’s good to see you out here, Gotham. It’s good to see what you did with your fear.” A boy
In [easyazon_link identifier=”B01EGRPTXU” locale=”US” tag=”bounintocomi-20″]Green Arrow #3[/easyazon_link], Benjamin Percy gives us answers to some really interesting questions that were raised
Batgirl unites with Black Canary to track down a mysterious figure going by a familiar moniker. Will they be able
After saving Armstrong’s butt and helping him make amends with an old friend, Archer decides to take a few days
Spinning out of the recent 4-issue mini-series, Faith stars in her very own monthly ongoing series! Just how many Star
The final issue of the first arc, this extra-long issue of Mirror brings the story to a satisfying conclusion, although
In recent years, many classic superheroes have had their monikers adopted by people of races, cultural backgrounds, sexual orientations, and