Comic Book Review: Penny Dreadful #5

Now with the truth of Mina’s current fate burning in the minds of those who are attempting to save her, [easyazon_link identifier=”B01MA34PSP” locale=”US” tag=”bounintocomi-20″]Penny Dreadful #5[/easyazon_link] has now brought us full circle with the series. Jonathan has been attacked, the group is now faced with many choices, but little guidance on how to proceed forward. This uncertainty leads to events that will have a lasting impact on the struggle to save Mina from the Master. As this prequel has come along, we as readers were given an opportunity to see events before the official start of the series on Showtime. Now, with this issue, we’re brought to the end of this series, it walks us right into the first episode and explains why Vanessa sought out Ethan.

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Chris King does a great job at penning the finale to this comic series.He does his best to tie up a few loose ends, and even leaves us on a familiar note with the final page of the issue. As before, Chris looks to form a steady and focused narrative that informs the reader about the conditions of the story. Emotions are running high and Chris King is able to express that in the dialog between Jonathan Harker and Sir Malcolm Murray as their continued debate over the fate of the beloved Mina plays out in this issue.

One thing that caught my eye was how he was also able to use other characters in this story. Though the story can feel like it centers around Mina, the truth is Vanessa is the true binder in this story. He brilliantly shows this with her interactions with the combative duo as they struggle to free Mina. Though they are looking towards her freedom, their differences provide a classic ingredient to create conflict. And as we move towards the end of the issue King uses these conflicts to tie in the comic series with the television show. With this tie in, we are awarded with a peek into Vanessa’s motivations going into the series.

Penny Dreadful #5

Louie De Martinis’ illustration allows the story to live in our eyes. He guides the world from the comic book right into the television series. He does this without looking to copy all of the looks of the series, but provides his own unique style with the art. This allows the story to express more of the emotion that could be lost with the lack of dialog when compared to a television script. Not saying that King’s writing is lacking, but the medium used doesn’t allow as much writing to be put in, so it takes a good artist to fill in some of those blanks. And Louie De Martinis does just that. Though at times the panels can feel foggy to the eyes, he creates pages that catch your attention.

Penny Dreadful #5

The Verdict

[easyazon_link identifier=”B01MA34PSP” locale=”US” tag=”bounintocomi-20″]Penny Dreadful #5[/easyazon_link] gives fans of the television show a brilliant end to the prequel. Not only are we given many of the whys and closings of the loose ends, but we are guided right into the first episode of the series. Both Chris King and Louie De Martinis finish strong in this finale. You’re treated to a complex written world and an illustrated environment that sticks in your mind. As you finish this issue, you will be eagerly waiting for the next series of Penny Dreadful coming in 2017.

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