Comic Book Review: Weavers #4

From the very beginning of Weavers, Sid has been a bit of a mystery. The first issue of the comic essentially began halfway into his origin story, leaving us to pick up the pieces along the way. This was an interesting literary device, and it is one that continues to entertain. Finally, in Weavers #4 we are starting to learn more about who Sid was prior to becoming one of the Weavers and just why he is so secretive.

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Sid always seemed to have an innocent nature to him, at least in the earlier issues, he came off as uncomfortable when he was asked to commit crimes by his bosses. When it came time to murder or kill someone, he would either lose control of his powers or was mentally pushed by Frankie to do it. His actions weren’t always exactly his own.

In [easyazon_link identifier=”B01IC48YQW” locale=”US” tag=”bounintocomi-20″]Weavers #4[/easyazon_link], we learn that Sid wasn’t exactly innocent in his past life. Writer Simon Spurrier peels back some of the mystery and gives us a glimpse into Sid’s darker life pre-Weavers. It’s an interesting look at the character that may just change your perspective of him moving forward.

Weavers #4

Not only does Spurrier let us peer into Sid’s past, but we also see solid development with his relationship to the spider’s inside him. (Side Note: If you haven’t been following the spiders are what give Sid and the Weavers their powers) We get to see solid character development coupled with plot progression that makes for an entertaining read. Spurrier continues to add layers Sid’s character. In each issue, we get a new perspective adding to his complexity. It also makes it difficult for us to embrace him or keep him at arm’s length.

If I had one complaint with this comic it is the role that Frankie is currently playing. It While she is the boss’ daughter and Sid’s go person for when something bad happens, Spurrier also tries to create a romance between the characters. The romance feels way too overpowering a motivator for Frankie’s decisions and a little disingenuous. She was acting like a teenage girl looking for a date. It shouldn’t be her prime motivation to help Sid given the other strong characteristics we have seen her display.

Weavers #4

Artwise, Dylan Burnett does an excellent job with this book. I’ve praised his work in the past which seems to blend Manga and American comics together. He does a great job of drawing the horror show of super powers the Weavers utilize.

In this particular issue, we see Sid use his power to its full horrific glory. It leaves me to wonder just how powerful Sid is. I’m guessing he is more powerful than even he knows. Visually the scene of Sid using his power on a pair of junkies was one of the best parts of this comic, and was a feast for the eyes.

In this scene, Sid is threatening the junkies with his powers. His powers typically manifest into a horrific and slimy looking creature that is growing out of his arm and hand. When Sid takes out the junkies, the creature grows to a size that hasn’t been seen in previous issues. It turns into a gigantic horrific monster that completely fills the room and manages to decimate everything around it.

Weavers #4

The Verdict

[easyazon_link identifier=”B01IC48YQW” locale=”US” tag=”bounintocomi-20″]Weavers #4[/easyazon_link] is a strong issue that helps to add some real character development to Sid. We finally get a look into his past and who he was before his super powers. There are still some unanswered questions, but that is all apart of the appeal. It was disappointing that Frankie is willing to help Sid because of some crush she has for him.

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