Riddler’s Riddle: I Feel Your Every Move…

Can you solve the Riddler’s Riddle?

I Feel Your Every Move,
I Know Your Every Thought.
I’m With You From Birth
And I’ll See You When You Rot.
What Am I?

Riddler's Riddle

The answer: Your Reflection.

This riddle appeared on Gotham Season 3 Episode 15: “How the Riddler Got His Name.”

Edward Nygma challenges Lucius Fox to a game of riddles. He must get one correct or Harvey Bullock and an entire class of police cadets will die.


Test your hand at another of the Riddler’s riddles. Try this one: The Riddler’s Riddle: I Fly, Yet I Have No Wings. I Cry, Yet I Have No Eyes…

Share with your friends and family to see if they can match wits with the Riddler!

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