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Bounding's Dante had a conversation with Athena Finger, grandchild of Bill Finger, about her family, Batman, and her GoFundMe campaign.

A datamine of future 'MultiVersus content has uncovered content based on 'Barbie', 'Harry Potter', 'The Powerpuff Girls', and more.

Will Chuck Dixon and Joe Bennett be able to keep the Rippaverse hype going with 'Alphacore' or is the book…

Chuck Dixon goes behind the panels to discuss why DC editor Archie Goodwin refused to publish a controversial Batman story.

Bill Wilingham put out a press release making Fables public domain in the latest move in a long battle with…

Dan DiDio details in chat with Mark Millar how hard it was as an executive editor to right DC's course…

Chuck Dixon firmly believes Superman should never kill and he explains why beyond the fact the act is beneath him.

The name of the daughter Tom King created for Wonder Woman, Trinity, is taken after Elizabeth Marston, wife of WW's…

A new scoop alleges David Zaslav is giving James Gunn orders to beef up Superman: Legacy with more characters for…