Cullen Bunn’s Never Before Printed “The Remains” Comes to Dark Horse

Death Follows Cover by Simon Bisley

This spring Dark Horse will publish Death Follows, a graphic novel featuring never-before-printed material from Cullen Bunn.

Death Follows was originally published digitally through Monkeybrain as The Remains. The new printed graphic novel version features the horrifically beautiful artwork of A.C. Zamudio and Carlos Nicolas Zamudio as well as the original prose by Cullen Bunn and a brand new cover from Simon Bisley.

Bunn describes Death Follows as “the darkest story I’ve written. It’s a supernatural horror tale set in rural North Carolina, the story of a mysterious farmhand who shows up at a struggling farm looking for work—and brings a nightmarish cycle of events with him. It starts with a simple (if somewhat strange) line: ‘The dead rats danced the day the hired man came around.'”

The story follows Birdie and her family including her sister, pregnant mother, and frail fatherwho live together on a struggling farm. One day a wandering farmhand, Cole, comes to the aid of Birdie and her sister, but instead of feeling relieved and thankful their lives take a nightmarish turn. Cole menacingly desires Birdie’s sister and where he goes the dead become restless. As the nightmare begins to consume her family, she is faced with a chilling warning: Some secrets are meant only for the dead.

“The mystery and dread build to a horrific conclusion. It’s the stuff of nightmares, to be sure. I think readers ofHarrow County will absolutely love this book,” added Bunn.

Death Follows will be available for purchase in stores May 25, 2016 for $17.99. You can [easyazon_link identifier=”1616559519″ locale=”US” tag=”bounintocomi-20″]pre-order Death Follows on Amazon today[/easyazon_link]!

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