Comic Book Preview: Cannons in the Clouds

Cannons in the Clouds Cover

In a mile-high world of floating islands, Sela Windbourne flees her sheltered life to find adventure. Along with the talented and mysterious steeplejack Robb Cadman and the notorious sky pirate Jenny Avery, Sela must confront a violent conspiracy that threatens to send her entire world crashing down!

Written by Daniel Woolley and Anne Gresham
Art by Jorge Donis and Kirsty Swan
Lettering by Peter Simeti
14.99, 136 pgs, Full Color, Young Adult
ISBN: 978-1-934985-48-9
Set for release IN STORES and ONLINE on February 24th, 2016

Cannons in the Clouds Cover

Cannons in the Clouds Preview Page

Cannons in the Clouds Preview Page

Cannons in the Clouds Preview Page

Cannons in the Clouds Preview Page

Cannons in the Clouds Preview Page

Cannons in the Clouds Preview Page

Cannons in the Clouds Preview Page

Cannons in the Clouds Preview Page

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