Deadpool and Gambit to Face Off in New Comic

Marvel was busy at the ComicsPRO annual meeting this past weekend. Not only did they announce The Force Awakens adaptation, they also reveled a new miniseries featuring Deadpool and pitting him against Gambit, Deadpool vs. Gambit.

The series will be written by Thrilling Adventure Hour creators Ben Acker and Ben Blacker with art by Danilo Beyruth (Gwenpool). notes the series will reveal “the secret, shared history of Wade Wilson and Remy LeBeau.” That history will involve the two working as conmen together and since it is a versus miniseries there will be plenty of backstabbing and double crosses.

Kevin Wada will be providing covers for each of the five issues in the miniseries. Deadpool vs. Gambit #1 is expected to hit comic book shelves this June.

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