First Look: X-O Manowar #48

The Countdown to X-O Manowar #50 continues with X-O Manowar #48 and the “Long Live The King” story arc from writer Robert Venditti and artists Joe Bennett and Roberto de la Torre this July.

Aric of Dacia, the unstoppable X-O Manowar, will face his darkest days as the ancient alien race known as the Torment reign terror upon humanity. X-O Manowar must charge into battle that will change his future and the fate of the entire Valiant Universe.

The Torment are a world-devouring race older than history itself and they have arrived on Earth. The only thing stopping them from exterminating humanity is X-O Manowar. As the Torment unleash wrath unlike anything before Aric of Dacia finds himself wickedly outmatched. He must turn to his greatest adversary for help, the cunning, but savage Commander Trill.

Take a look:

X-O Manowar #48

Cover A by Kano

X-O Manowar #48

Cover B by Phil Jimenez

X-O Manowar #48

Cover C by Khoi Pham

X-O Manowar #48

X-O Manowar #48

X-O Manowar #48

X-O Manowar #48 hits comic book shelves on July 27th.

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