Comic Book Preview: Faith #4
Comics! Cosplay! Crime! This comic book convention isn’t what it appears to be…
From all across the world, fans have flocked to California’s biggest comics convention…but they never expected to see real-life superheroes duking it out! When fandom’s most important event becomes an all-out super-powered melee, can Faith “Zephyr” Herbert and her crossbow-wielding boyfriend, Obadiah Archer, prevent a gang of diabolical con-crashers from turning thousands of spectators into victims of the most brazen caper in comic book history?
If Faith has her way, these back-issue bandits will be going behind bars when breakout writer Jody Houser (Mother Panic) and acclaimed artists Pere Perez (ARCHER & ARMSTRONG) and Marguerite Sauvage (DC Comics Bombshells) deliver an all-access pass to the high-stakes super-showdown of the fall!
Written by JODY HOUSER
Cover A by KEVIN WADA (AUG162058)
Cover B by CLAYTON HENRY (AUG162059)
Cover C by JASON MUHR (AUG162060)
Variant Cover by KHARI EVANS (AUG162061)
$3.99 | 32 pgs. | T+ | On Sale OCTOBER 19th (FOC – 9/26/16)
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