Marvel Hints at a More Powerful Weapon than the Infinity Gauntlet!

Infinity Countdown #1

Marvel Comics will try to capitalize on the popularity of Avengers: Infinity War by bringing the Infinity Stones back into play in the Marvel Universe. The Infinity Stones will resurface in Marvel’s upcoming mega event, Infinity Countdown.

Infinity Countdown written by Gerry Duggan with art by Aaron Kuder will see the Infinity Stones resurface in the Marvel Universe and bring with them the ultimate power for good and evil. Three of the Stones will find their way into the hands of the mightiest heroes in the galaxy, but the other three remain undiscovered. The hunt for the Infinity Stones will stretch across the galaxy and affect every single Marvel character whether it’s the Avengers, the X-Men, or Spider-Man. It will even bring an end to the Guardians of the Galaxy.

Infinity Countdown #1

Cover by Nick Bradshaw

While the Marvel Universe searches frantically for the Infinity Stones, a new weapon of destruction is forged. Marvel promises “it’s a weapon like nothing the universe has ever seen!” However, it’s unclear whether it is actually a physical weapon or a brand new character. But it is immensely powerful.

The epic event begins this February in Infinity Countdown Prime #1 by Gerry Duggan and the phenomenal Mike Deodato. Infinity Countdown Prime #1 will be a 48-page epic that reveals the location of all six of the Infinity Stones. It will also include a prose primer on the Infinity Stones and detail how they appeared in the Marvel Universe.

Infinity Countdown Prime #1

Cover by Mike Deodato

Editor Jordan D. White explains how the story evolved out of Guardians of the Galaxy:

As we worked on the Infinity Stones’ story, it became clear the story was much bigger than we could contain in the Guardians of the Galaxy series. It starts with the Guardians, but the story extends out into the entire Marvel Universe, with stones popping up in some VERY surprising places. Countdown is the next step in the story…but as the name implies, it’s leading to something even greater.

Marvel’s heroes will head down a dark path to the “world’s possible inevitable end” this March in Infinity Countdown #1.

Infinity Countdown will be a five part story that goes on sale March 7, 2018. Infinity Countdown Prime #1 goes on sale on February 21, 2018.

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