Wesley Snipes Continues Campaign to be Blade


And the saga continues. Wesley Snipes again took to Twitter to show that there is only ONE Blade.

Check out the tweet below:

Wesley Snipe’s campaign to become Blade once again has been going on for years. He really wants Blade to join the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU).

But, in recent weeks he’s taken it up a notch. It first began in a post-Christmas tweet in which the star teased fans with who he thought should be next to play Blade. In the tweet, and to no one’s surprise, Snipes made it clear he believes he should be the next person to play Blade.

[interaction id=”5a735c76bc67d900017c16da”]

A few weeks later, Snipes would do an interview with The Hollywood Reporter where he once again made it abundantly clear he wants to reprise the role of Blade in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. But he also stated he would be interested in playing other Marvel characters as part of the MCU as well.

He continued the campaign today with the Tweet above.

Some may say that this type of role pursuing is akin to what the likes of Lindsey Lohan is currently doing as she tries to land the role of Batgirl. But I wholeheartedly disagree. Unlike Lohan, Snipes has two advantages. First, he has already played Blade. And to be honest it was amazing, just don’t count the third film. Second, there are plenty of fans who are rallying behind him.

Check out some of the reactions to the latest tweet.





A few like Twitter user Bruce Willke believe Snipe’s campaign to become Blade might actually be a marketing ploy for a Blade project that is already in the works. Personally, I don’t buy into this theory, but I wouldn’t be sad if I were wrong in any case.


One fan even reached out to Netflix in the hopes of Blade joining the streaming services growing roster of Marvel superheroes which now includes Daredevil, Jessica Jones, Luke Cage, Iron Fist, and Punisher along with their supporting casts. It doesn’t sound like a bad idea. I could definitely see Blade fit in right alongside Daredevil, Luke Cage, Jessica Jones and company.

So what do you think? Is there still only one Blade? Or should Westley Snipes make room for another Daywalker? Let me know in the comments below!

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