The Kitchen: First Look at the Vertigo Comics Live-Action Adaptation

The upcoming adaptation of Veritgo Comics’ [easyazon_link identifier=”1401257739″ locale=”US” tag=”boundingintocomics-20″]The Kitchen[/easyazon_link] has given us our first look at the three leading ladies played by Melissa McCarthy, Tiffany Hadish, and Elisabeth Moss.

Take a look:

The Kitchen The Kitchen

The Kitchen will see McCarthy, Moss, and Haddish take on the role of three 1970s housewives who take control of the Irish Mafia in Hell’s Kitchen after their husbands get thrown in prison.

In an interview with Entertainment Weekly, director Andrea Berloff talked about why the project interested her:

“I was excited by the idea of placing women in a position and world in which we don’t normally see them.”

Berloff even noted this was reflected in her casting of McCarthy, Haddish, and Moss. “I wanted that excitement of women in a Mob movie to permeate through the casting, so I cast people you wouldn’t expect across the board.” She adds, “If we’re defying stereotypes, let’s defy them all over. Who says women can’t run the Mafia? Who says comedians can’t do drama?”

Berloff wasn’t the only one attracted to the movie because of the different light it portrays women. Melissa McMcarthy, who plays Kathy, a mother of two, echoed Berloff’s sentiments:

“It’s about these individuals instead of the Mafia as an entity. It was more about three people who are put down and held back finally breaking out. There was much more humanity to it, which also made it scarier.”

McCarthy’s Kathy will quickly adapt to the mafia lifestyle and find she has quite some skill in the criminal underworld.

Moss, who plays another housewife named Claire was also interested by the characters and their story saying, “They’re nobody special necessarily, but they’re people that have a story to tell.” Her character Claire will have some anger issues and she finds a unique outlet in dismembering bodies.

Haddish will play Ruby, an outsider to the Irish community, but has to quickly adapt to survive once her husband is no longer around. Haddish provided some key details about her character:

“Ruby starts off quiet and observant, and then gets a little bossy and gangster. She has a plan; she’s just figuring out how to execute it. Who do I team up with? How do I get to the money, power, and success that you need in life?”

While the film might be about three women taking over the Irish Mafia, Berloff also indicates its much more:

“It’s about empowerment — but not just female. Anyone can do anything. Everyone has a beast within them. We shouldn’t be hemmed in by society’s definitions of us.”

What do you make of the first look and what the cast and director have to say about the film?

The Kitchen will hit theaters on September 20, 2019. The original comic book series was written by Ollie Masters with art by Ming Doyle and colors by Jordie Bellaire.

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