More Contentious Footage of Chris Hemsworth and Brie Larson: “We’re Fighting Right Now…It’s Been An All Day Thing”

More contentious footage of Avengers: Endgame Chris Hemsworth and Brie Larson has come to our attention.

During an interview with Entertainment Tonight, Larson got quite nasty with Hemsworth after he joked around with her about her doing her own stunts like Tom Cruise.

More footage from the interview shows Hemsworth and Larson jokingly digging at each other about which of their characters are the strongest in the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

When asked if there was any competition between the sexes or the groups in Avengers: Endgame, Larson answers, “There’s no competition for me because I’m the strongest.”

Hemsworth chimes in, “No, well, we’ll let her think that.” Larson responds, “It’s not.” Hemsworth adds while shaking his head no, “You are.”

Larson continues, “As I’ve said before. It’s just a fact, not a personal opinion. It’s not a reflection on what you can’t do, but it is also kind of a reflection on all that you can’t do.”

Hemsworth replies, “It’s just that you aren’t that strong. But she’s really smart, and you know.” He then jokingly asks, “Should we have a fight?”

Larson replies, “I feel like we are fighting right now. I think it’s been an all day thing.”

A couple of days later, Entertainment Tonight would release another clip from the interview that appears to show Hemsworth trying to soften Larson’s edges a little bit as he tells her, “You stole our hearts.”

Larson would respond, “Chris, that’s really nice. I’m still stronger than you are.”

Hemsworth didn’t let her get away with it, “You’re not though.”

Larson appeared to also try to smooth over the edges from what looked to be a contentious interview as she shared fan art showing Thor and Captain Marvel together. She also tagged in Hemsworth.

Hemsworth has not replied on social media, but he did post a video of him enjoying a rollercoaster at Disneyland Shanghai.

What do you make of this footage? Do you think Larson and Hemsworth are feuding?

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