John Boyega Promises to Share True Feelings on Disney’s Star Wars Following The Rise of Skywalker

Star Wars actor John Boyega, who plays Finn in the Disney Star Wars trilogy, promised to share his true feelings regarding Star Wars following the release of The Rise of Skywalker.

Boyega took to Twitter late last month to share a photo of his character Finn riding on a white horse with a huge blaster in hand. He simply stated, “Janitor did good.” It’s a reference to The Force Awakens where his character is revealed to be a janitor in the First Order.

Replying to that photo, a user named Fat_Ironman expressed his desire to see the Disney Star Wars actors share their true feelings about the trilogy. They even noted how the Game of Thrones actors voiced their displeasure at how their characters were treated in the final season of the HBO show.

Boyega would respond stating, “Don’t worry. I most definitely will !”

Back in the beginning of June, Boyega would respond to another fan who noted that his character is the “most useless” in the current Star Wars franchise.

Boyega stated, “I have those discussions on set.”

He would continue the conversation noting, “Heroes aren’t born overnight. It’s a role not a breakdown on who I am in real life. Peace!”

While a number of people on Twitter believe Boyega won’t say anything negative about Disney’s Star Wars franchise, Ethan Van Sciver notes, “I don’t think he is trolling the fans. I think every now and then the mask slips and it’s a difficult facade to keep up.”

Star Wars The Last Jedi divided the Star Wars fanbase, with the film receiving a 44% Audience Score on Rotten Tomatoes. It would similarly receive a 4.4 User Score on Metacritic. The ensuing criticism would see The Last Jedi director Rian Johnson attack fans and label them “manbabies.”

However, the most prominent critic of the film was Star Wars legend Mark Hamill. In fact, Hamill still criticizes the film and especially the portrayal of Luke Skywalker when he’s asked about it.

In an interview in March with Den of Geek, Hamill stated:

“I just thought, Luke’s never going to see his best friend again. You look at it in a self-centred way. I said that it was a big mistake that those three people would never reunite in any way. I guess I was wrong, because nobody seems to care! I have to stipulate that I care, but it didn’t really seem to affect the larger audience. Luke, Han and Leia will never be together again, and I’ll probably never get to work with Harrison again.”

He added:

“Then the second thing was that they killed me off. I thought: oh, okay, you should push my death off to the last one. That’s what I was hoping when I came back: no cameos and a run-of-the-trilogy contract. Did I get any of those things? Because as far as I’m concerned, the end of VII is really the beginning of VIII. I got one movie! They totally hornswoggled (tricked) me.”

Hamill isn’t the only cast member to criticize The Last Jedi. Admiral Ackbar actor Tim Rose recently detailed how he was humiliated on the set of The Last Jedi.

Ackbar voice actor Tom Kane also expressed his displeasure about The Last Jedi during an interview at Star Wars Celebration earlier this year:

“And I was not really thrilled how they blew him out the side of a ship. I’m like who is this Holdo woman? Nobody knows her. No one is invested in her. Who is she? Why is she saving the fleet? If anyone’s going to save the fleet it would be Ack…”

Do you think we will get to see John Boyega’s true feelings about Disney’s Star Wars trilogy following The Rise of Skywalker? What do you make of John Boyega’s comments? Do you think he was trolling his fans a little bit? Or was he letting the mask slip as Ethan believes.

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