Ewan McGregor Describes Birds of Prey’s Black Mask as Villain for “the Time of Trump”

Actor Ewan McGregor recently described his role as Black Mask in the upcoming Birds of Prey film as a villain for “the Time of Trump.”

McGregor spoke with Men’s Journal about his upcoming role where he described the character as “an absolute narcissist.” He added that Black Mask is “spoiled in his upbringing to the point of having no contact with what life or people are about, who has a skin this thin and wants nothing more than to be the center of attention.”

Related: Rumor: Black Mask in Birds of Prey to Depart from Comics

McGregor’s co-star Chris Messina, who plays serial killer Victor Szasz, elaborated on McGregor’s Black Mask.

“He’s an incredible villain because he’s so likable and he’s so seducing. You’re like, I like him, he’s cute, it’s fun being in his world. And then he’ll bite your leg off. He has these incredible turns of violence, this ferocious quality. There are a couple of moments in the movie where he rages that he really went there, and you could hear a pin drop. Then he would turn on a dime and then go back to the charm of the character.”

Related: Report: Ewan McGregor’s Black Mask Will Be Gay in Margot Robbie’s Birds of Prey

Messina would also address rumors indicating that McGregor’s Black Mask and his Victor Szasz might be involved in a romantic relationship. Messina didn’t answer one way or another, but did describe their bond as “interesting.”

He stated, “I don’t want to give anything away, but that’s a fun theory. We definitely have a very interesting bond.”

Related: Ewan McGregor: Birds of Prey is “a Feminist Film” With a “Real Look on Misogyny”

McGregor previously described the film as “feminist” and noted that it would address misogyny.

“What interested me with Birds of Prey is that it’s a feminist film. It is very finely written, there is in the script a real look on misogyny.”

He added:

“Misogynists in movies are often extreme: they rape, they beat women … And it is legitimate to represent people like that, because they exist and they are obviously the worst. But in the Birds of Prey dialogues, there is always a hint of everyday misogyny, of those things you say as a man you do not even realize, mansplaining … All it’s in the script in a very subtle way. I found that brilliant.”

Black Mask

Black Mask or Roman Sionis is one of Batman’s most ruthless villains who leads the False Face Society.

The character was created by Doug Moench and Tom Mandrake appearing in Batman #386. He has an obsession with masks which started at a young age when he was bitten by a raccoon. He would take on the monikor the Black Mask after being struck by lightning while visiting his family’s crypt. He would carve a black mask out of his father’s casket and become the Black Mask.

McGregor can be seen as Black Mask in Birds of Prey when it hits theaters on February 7, 2020.

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