Artist Elberty Oliveira Shares Pinups Of Marvel’s Black Cat

Spider-Man/Black Cat: The Evil That Men Do #1

Artist Elberty Oliveira recently shared a number of pinups of Marvel Comics’ Black Cat to his Instagram page. 

Black Cat is the alias for Felicia Hardy. The character first appeared in Amazing Spider-Man #194 back in July 1979.

Source: Marvel Comics

She is an expert in martial arts, gymnastics, and the tricks of burglary.

She also happens to be a love-interest to Spider-Man. 

In fact, when he first encounters her he even thinks he might be able to take her out on a date if her record is clean.

Source: Amazing Spider-Man #194

Oliviera shared his Black Cat pinups to Instagram.

Here’s his most recent one.

Back on March 29th, he shared another one.

In February, he shared one of her leaping through New York City.

Also in February, he shared one of her seducing Spider-Man!

Back in September 2020 he shared one of her surrounded by a number of cats.

Also in September 2020, he shared another pinup of the femme fatale.

 If you are interested in getting your own pinup of Black Cat from Oliveira the artist is open for commissions and suggests you email him at for inquiries.

Which Black Cat pinup by Oliveira is your favorite?

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