‘Doctor Who’ Star David Tennant Responds After UK Minister For Women And Equalities Announces Plans To Legally Define Sex As Biological: “I Don’t Wish Ill Of Her, I Just Wish Her To Shut Up”

The 14th Doctor (David Tennant) stands against The Toymaker (Neil Patrick Harris) in Doctor Who Special 303 “The Giggle" (BBC)
The 14th Doctor (David Tennant) stands against The Toymaker (Neil Patrick Harris) in Doctor Who Special 303 “The Giggle" (BBC)

During a recent appearance at the 2024 British LGBT Awards, Doctor Who star had some choice words for the United Kingdom’s current Minister for Women and Equalities Kemi Badenoch regarding her stance on certain transgender issues.

The Doctor (David Tennant) asks the Meep (Miriam Margoyles) for their pronouns in Doctor Who Special 302 "The Star Beast" (BBC)
The Doctor (David Tennant) asks the Meep (Miriam Margoyles) for their pronouns in Doctor Who Special 302 “The Star Beast” (BBC)

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A member of the country’s Conservative Party (also known colloquially as the Tories), recent years have seen Badenoch draw the ire of transgender activists due to her noted opposition to their own sociopolitical beliefs.

Kemi Badenboch represents the Tories at the 2024 Election Business Debate
Kemi Badenboch represents the Tories at the 2024 Election Business Debate

Speaking to an unknown party in 2018, an audio recording of which was later leaked to the public three-years later, the career politician can be heard voicing both criticism and confusion towards the current state of the transgender rights movement.

“It’s no longer about minority rights in terms of race any more or nationality,” Badenoch rants, “it’s now, you know like, it’s not even about sexuality now, it’s now like the whole transgender movement, where, OK well we’ve got gay marriage, and civil partnerships, so what are transsexuals looking for?”

“Even when, you know, so, people hear about, you know like the whole bathroom thing,” she continues, “it’s actually more of an American thing but they have a similar problem, that, right so now it’s not just about being free to marry who you want, you now want to have men using women’s bathrooms.”

The Doctor (David Tennant) arrives at a rather pivotal moment in time in Doctor Who "Destination: Skaro" (2023), BBC
The Doctor (David Tennant) arrives at a rather pivotal moment in time in Doctor Who “Destination: Skaro” (2023), BBC

Further, earlier this month, Badenoch announced that should the Tories win the country’s upcoming general election, they would work to modify their national 2010 Equality Act to legally recognize the concept of trait of ‘sex’ as purely biological.

“Whether it is rapists being housed in women’s prisons, or instances of men playing in women’s sports where they have an unfair advantage, it is clear that public authorities and regulatory bodies are confused about what the law says on sex and gender and when to act – often for fear of being accused of transphobia, or not being inclusive,” the Minister told the BBC on June 3rd. “That is why we are today pledging that, if we form a government after the election, we will clarify that sex in the law means biological sex and not new, redefined meanings of the word. The protection of women and girls’ spaces is too important to allow the confusion to continue.”

(Notably, under this new legal definition of ‘sex’, a transgender individual could still be recognized by their preferred sex by going through an arduous verification process – itself including numerous medical and psychological consultations – and applying for a Gender Recognition Certificate. This certificate, which requires an applicant to go through numerous medical and psychological consultations in order to obtain, legally modifies one’s sex on their birth certificate and adds to it a specific note indicating the change.)

The Doctor (David Tennant) is shocked to find himself regenerating into a previous form in Doctor Who "The Power of the Doctor" Special (2022), BBC
The Doctor (David Tennant) is shocked to find himself regenerating into a previous form in Doctor Who “The Power of the Doctor” Special (2022), BBC

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To this end, upon taking the stage at the aforementioned awards ceremony to accept his honoring as the host organization’s ‘Celebrity Ally’ of the Year, Tennant took the opportunity to voice his opposition to Badenoch’s politics.

“I am honoured to receive this, I’m thrilled to be here and to be a part of this night,” the Doctor Who star began his acceptance speech. “With a slogan [a reference to his regular wearing of shirts that bear such pro-trans text as ‘Leave Trans Kids Alone You Absolute Freaks‘ and ‘You Will Have To Go Through Me‘], I attract the ire of the occasional online idiot, but I don’t have social media, so even I have to be told about that from my brilliant wife Georgia, who is the real engine behind anything we do. She educated me about empathy and understanding and she has been a huge educator for me.”

Tennant then asserted, “But I think, if I suppose, if I’m honest, I’m a little depressed by the fact that acknowledging that everyone has the right to be who they want to be and live their life how they want to live it as long as they’re not hurting anyone else should merit any kind of special award or special mention because it’s common sense isn’t it? It is human decency. We shouldn’t live in a world where that is worth remarking on.”

Turning his attentions towards Badenoch herself, the actor added, “However, until we wake up and Kemi Badenoch doesn’t exist anymore… I don’t wish ill of her, I just wish her to shut up.”

The Doctor's (David Tennant) is dismissed for being a man in Doctor Who Special 302 "The Star Beast" (BBC)
The Doctor’s (David Tennant) is dismissed for being a man in Doctor Who Special 302 “The Star Beast” (BBC)

Finally drawing his speech to a close, Tennant concluded, “Whilst we do live in this world, I am honoured to receive this.”

“I’m thrilled to be here and to be a part of this night,” he told the crowd. “Pride is very important in our house. It’s a family affair. We have skin in the game. So this event tonight thrills me. It gives me hope. It gives me fire, it gives me energy and deep joy. And even if I feel I don’t really deserve this, I’m very pleased and very proud to be receiving it. Thank you all so much.”

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