The Society Of Tolkien Launches Counter-Programming In Response To The Tolkien Society’s “Tolkien And Diversity” Seminar

Viggo Mortensen as Aragorn in The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King

Viggo Mortensen as Aragorn in The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King

The Society of Tolkien recently announced a counter program to The Tolkien Society’s upcoming “Tolkien And Diversity” seminar.

The Tolkien Society previously announced their Tolkien And Diversity seminar back in February.

Related: The Tolkien Society Announces “Tolkien and Diversity” Theme For Summer Seminar

They explained what exactly the seminar would focus on in a call for papers by asking, “How do adaptations of Tolkien’s works (from film and art to music) open a discourse on diversity within Tolkien’s works and his place within modern society?”

They further stated, “Beyond his secondary-world, diversity further encompasses Tolkien’s readership and how his texts exist within the primary world.”

They then asked, “Who is reading Tolkien? How is he understood around the globe? How may these new readings enrich current perspectives on Tolkien?”

“Representation is now more important than ever and Tolkien’s efforts to represent (or ignore) particular characteristics requires further examination,” The Tolkien Society declared.

“Additionally, how a character’s identity shapes and influences its place within Tolkien’s secondary-world still requires greater attention,” they added.

Specifically they claim “this seminar aims to explore the many possible applications of ‘diversity’ within Tolkien’s works, his adaptations, and his readership.”

As for the topics for the papers they wanted, they provided a list:

Related: The Tolkien Society’s Summer Seminar 2021 Will Focus On “Tolkien And Diversity”

More recently, they revealed the schedule and the papers that will be discussed during the Seminar.

They include:

The Seminar will take place on July 3rd and July 4th.

Now, The Society of Tolkien has launched a counter program that will run on July 3rd. 

The Society of Tolkien explains the purpose of their seminar, “When J.R.R. Tolkien created Middle Earth, he filled it with characters, themes, and dangers that leapt from the pages to intrigue, excite, and give hope to his readers. In these sessions, we’ll explore these concepts to celebrate all that makes his works stand the test of time and what we should take from them today.”

They are still accepting topics for submissions and provided a list of recommendations:

Not only do they provide a list of recommended topics, but they also include topics that will not be discussed during the seminar.

They include:

The seminar will begin at 3 PM BST or 10 AM EDT and will run to 5 pm BST or 12:00 PM EDT.

Which seminar will you be attending?

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