Black Jack Ketchum Gets Collected in June

Writer Brian Schirmer and artist Claudia Balboni’s weird western, Black Jack Ketchum will be collected this June. The trade paperback will collect issues #1-4.

Black Jack Ketchum takes us to the Old West to tell us the dreamlike story of Tom Ketchum as he struggles to clear his name and more importantly stay alive. He is mistaken for the wanton outlaw “Black Jack” Ketchum and is pursued by the mysterious Union and its supernatural enforcers, the faceless Dusters. Fortunately, Tom has some friends including his talking sidearm, a secretive gambler, and a mute girl with a Winchester helping him evade the Union.

Black Jack Ketchum TP hits comic book shelves on Wednesday, June 8th and bookstores on Tuesday, June 14th. [easyazon_link identifier=”1632157039″ locale=”US” tag=”bounintocomi-20″]Pre-Order your copy now[/easyazon_link].

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