First Look: All-New, All-Different Avengers #9

Age of Apocalypse Variant by Khoi Pham

Age of Apocalypse Variant by Khoi Pham

All-New, All-Different Avengers #9 begins a new story arc, “Family Business,” this May. This will be the first story arc with the all-new Wasp, who will make her first appearance on Free Comic Book Day.

Writer Mark Waid and artist Mahmud Asrar will give us a story featuring Wasp as she makes a beeline for the center of the Marvel Universe. And of course her first stop is buzzing straight into the All-New, All-Different Avengers. The question remains whether Wasp will be a friend or foe to the Avengers. But more importantly what does she plan to do about Earth’s Mightiest Heroes?

All-New, All-Different Avengers #9 hits comic book shelves on May 11th. Alex Ross will provide the main cover (MAR160762) as well as a variant (MAR160763). Khoi Pham has put together a stunning Age of Apocalypse variant (MAR160764) . The final order cutoff is April 18th (This is also the tax deadline, lots of important deadlines this year!)

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