New Lenticular Cover For Doomsday Clock #1 Puts Rorschach Front And Center!

DC President and Chief Creative Officer Geoff Johns unveiled the final lenticular cover for issue one of his upcoming 12-issue miniseries Doomsday Clock. The Doomsday Clock #1 cover showcases Rorschach and potentially hints at the character’s return.

The cover features Dave Gibbons’ iconic Rorschach art from his run on the original series with Alan Moore.

Take a look:

We separated out the two images for you as well:

And here’s a better look at the lenticular:

This cover joins the main cover and variant cover by Gary Frank which were revealed last week.

Doomsday Clock is expected to take place a year in the future and will be a Superman-centric story. At San Diego Comic Con Johns said the series “incorporates everything from Action Comics #1 to Crisis to Rebirth to now: Metal, Oz Effect, some surprises! No crossovers.”

Along with the covers Johns and DC Comics revealed some of Gary Frank’s interiors:

Johns will pen Doomsday Clock. He will be joined by artist Gary Frank and colorist Brad Anderson. The series debuts on November 22, 2017.

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