Comic Book Review: Cryptocracy #2

2016 has become one crazy year. In politics, entertainment, and even in the world. For many of us it feels like the world is spinning into chaos. As if the pilot left the plane while passengers like us are stuck on board. But what if, this isn’t chaos, what if in reality our world, as well as all events are nothing but a long running chess game with players we cannot even imagine? This is the terrifying question that [easyazon_link identifier=”B01HIQEUQ8″ locale=”US” tag=”bounintocomi-20″]Cryptocracy #2[/easyazon_link] is proposing to us. What if all of the wars, terrorism, and freak deaths are all just chess moves for powerful families who are willing to sacrifice the lives of countless millions, just so they may be able to shape the world into their own image.

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We last left Cryptocracy with a whole lot of questions, and not very much in answers. Writer Van Jensen continues to lead the reader on a grand conspiracy. The way he is developing not only the plot, but the meat of the story itself left me with two ideas. First, don’t think you know everything about the story, because as time goes on and you keep reading you see that there is a labyrinth of information. Second, is this plot really possible? If so, what is truth?

Van Jensen is able to not only pull you into a world that is fantastic and surreal, but at the same time, forces you to question, if this world is really that fantastic at all. Is it just as likely that a version of the events in the comics are playing out in our own world? And that is the meat and potatoes of a good conspiracy story.

Cryptocracy makes you question not only what you think you know about the story, but also what you think you know about the world around you. Though I wished that Van Jensen took some time to add more background on some of the major characters for development purposes. I feel that this hinders the story a bit because we are left with some holes on what kind of people that characters are.

Pete Woods on his end gives us art that is both visually appealing, and exciting. As you read the story you can see clear emotions coming out of every character; you’re not left filling in the blanks. The environment also has this crispness to itself where, it feels sanitized. This gives us a sharp world that screams “Men in Black.” In certain panels, it also has a blue tint much like the X-Files which creates a mysterious tone. Other panels don’t have this tint which provides contrast and helps set the tone of the conversations the main characters are having.

As for the coloring as a whole, Pete Woods again has splashed the pages with enough colors for the readers to enjoy. His use of shades, tints, and just color in general does a great deal to bring the story to life visually.

The Verdict

In [easyazon_link identifier=”B01HIQEUQ8″ locale=”US” tag=”bounintocomi-20″]Cryptocracy #2[/easyazon_link] you get to see sci-fi and conspiracies that bring to life some of our greatest fears we have today. Van Jensen continues to craft a plot that is both fantastic and terrifyingly possible at the same time. When you’re done with Cryptocracy #2 you’ll be left wondering if there isn’t some grand conspiracy out there, pulling all the strings. Pete Woods does an awesome job with the panels and the use of blue tinting throughout the issue. He sets a mood and tone for the reader by using different shades and colors based on location of the environment within the story, and even the actions taking place between characters. By doing so he allows us to fall right into the story.

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