Comic Book Review: Cryptocracy #3

Opening this issue of Cryptocracy, is like following the rabbit down the hole. Like Alice, you discover a world that is both unimaginable, and new. In [easyazon_link identifier=”B01HIT8OM6″ locale=”US” tag=”bounintocomi-20″]Cryptocracy #3[/easyazon_link] the story doesn’t slow down, but speeds up. As we inch closer to the November election one cannot help but ask if this is all just one giant show, and we’re the trapped audience. Like many other people, the feeling that some unknown figure or figures are the true rulers of our government now more than ever is in my mind. With Cryptocracy, this fear is fully realized, and you’re only left asking yourself, how much of this could possibly be fiction?

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Van Jensen continues to act as our guide. As in the previous two issues, you’re given information, only to be left with more questions. Not only about the nine prophecies, but the origins of the families themselves. Because of this, you feel like the main protagonist Grahame.

Just when you thought you had things figured out, something new turns your entire reality upside down and inside out. This style of story building allows you to come pretty close to experiencing the emotions of the characters. In just the first set of panels, you can feel Grahame’s emotions pour out. While the emotional outpouring is extremely strong, Van Jensen combines it with an overload of exposition. You can feel overwhelmed without the amount of information that is being thrown your way.

Pete Woods continues to deliver with his artwork. Each character has very defined features that grab the eyes, while the environment itself is given quite a bit of detail. With the use of blue tinting he is able to set the mood within the issue of paranoia and conspiracy. One specific moment highlights Woods’ attention to detail. An earthquake in Sri Lanka perfectly captures the smoothness of his artwork. Normally when you see disasters in comics there is a lot of smoke and debris, but in Cryptocracy you’re given a fair amount of detail concerning the buildings, roads, and people affected.

The colors used in this issue work well in highlighting how this is a science fiction story. By using a mix of dark and bright colors in areas in high tech area you’re given a futuristic feel, to do this you see a lot of black and grey mixed in with purples and bright reds. This gives you a campy visual reminiscent of sci fi comics from the 80s despite the modern setting.

The Verdict

In [easyazon_link identifier=”B01HIT8OM6″ locale=”US” tag=”bounintocomi-20″]Cryptocracy #3[/easyazon_link] you get to see sci-fi and conspiracies brought to life that prey on life’s greatest fears that are especially relevant to today’s political environment. Van Jensen continues to craft a plot that is both fantastic and terrifyingly real at the same time. When you’re done with this issue you’ll be left wondering if there isn’t some grand conspiracy out there, pulling all the strings. Pete Woods does an awesome job with the panels and the use of blue tinting throughout the issue. He sets a mood and tone for the reader by using different shades and colors based on location of the environment within the story, and even the actions taking place between characters. By doing so he allows you to fall right into the story.

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