Comic Book Review: Dishonored #3

Dishonored #3 has continued our journey into an empire that seems to fit in a steampunker’s dream. The story takes us into Dunwall, the capital of the Empire of Isles, where we are witnesses to events that can divide, destroy, or strengthen the empire. The story divides fully between the main protagonists Corvo and another member of the city watch, Martha. As you’re taken into a world that faintly resembles a steampunk version of Victorian England, you’re also seeing the faint hints of witchcraft and the occult in the background. Combined, these elements give the story a rich mythos.

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In [easyazon_link identifier=”B01IC9BLXA” locale=”US” tag=”bounintocomi-20″]Dishonored #3[/easyazon_link], writer Gordon Rennie continues to use his narration style where the story isn’t just told vocally by the protagonists, you are also in their minds. And with that, you’re able to catch the difference in how they speak, and what they are thinking. This natural dual view allows you to really get into the story, since most of us will say one thing, but think another. As the characters continue to develop in the story, they’re given a greater amount of complexity in how they go about their respective missions. On one hand Corvo is out looking for his family, and the mystery surrounding his nephew, and on the other, you are left with Martha as she struggles to find Corvo, while dealing with elements in and out of the city watch.

Artist Andrea Olimpieri continues to push the envelope with how the environment is used as well as the movement of the humans in the story. One striking example of this is found on page 13 while Martha is speaking with a witchcraft practicing prisoner. Not only is that person drawn amplifying the stereotypes we would have in mind, but the prison itself is a reflection of the person she is dealing with. The mix of darkness and metal, leaves you in a place that one would really imagine finding a person like that.

Marcelo Maiolo, on his end provides a depth to the story that you can only appreciate with his use of colors. It only adds to the Olimpieri’s art With respect to some some of the flashbacks you see the colors tone in a way where it’s obvious you’re not looking at a current moment. This can be seen in another way with the action sequences throughout this issue. The colors used help to bring out the action, emotion, and movement of both the characters, and environment in the story.

The Verdict

[easyazon_link identifier=”B01IC9BLXA” locale=”US” tag=”bounintocomi-20″]Dishonored #3[/easyazon_link] is looking to keep you on a dual journey. On one hand you’re with Corvo trying to figure out what the heck is going on with his own family. And on the other, you’re Martha, who isn’t only trying to find Corvo, but trying desperately to piece the puzzle together. Witchcraft, weapons smuggling, and murder, how does it all tie in. Dishonored #3 gives us a who host of puzzles, though at times it feels a lot too much.

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