Comic Book Review: The Hunt #2

Having once lived in an area filled with woods as a child, it was easy for my mind to drift off and imagine all kinds of horrible things. Such as monsters lurking in the shadows biding their time, just waiting to attack you. These fears aren’t new, and as you read back in human history, they’re quite universal. The purpose of this conditioning is pretty simple, wandering off alone into the woods full of wild animals is one easy way to become a walking hot-pocket. In The Hunt #2 we see this fear come to life brilliantly. Not only are our fears confirmed, but the reality is, there is so much more out there just waiting. It is terrifying.

[easyazon_image align=”center” height=”500″ identifier=”B01G5FG4O4″ locale=”US” src=”” tag=”bounintocomi-20″ width=”325″]

Writer and artist Colin Lorimer continues in [easyazon_link identifier=”B01G5FG4O4″ locale=”US” tag=”bounintocomi-20″]The Hunt #2[/easyazon_link], by tackling a few of the questions that were left in the first issue, but also creating a whole new set. The suspense of the story doesn’t go away, but changes as you are walking in Orla’s shoes. Colin gives you a protagonist that is just as mysterious as the monsters we are seeing. As she attempts to take charge against the forces at work around her, you begin to see little snippets of how much she really knows about the creatures who took her father. Though it was a bit slow in the beginning of issue, it picks up quickly near the middle. And, at the end of this issue, it all comes to a head when she makes a decision that creates dire consequences.

The art Colin provides is simply amazing. First, the environment around the entire area is given a solid level of realism. Next, the people in the story are given very human detail. In my experience, this is important because when you’re creating a horror story, you want to have characters that are believable and relatable to more easily engage your audience. Here Colin does this in a way where the level of detail is not only applied to the people, but the environment, and better yet, the monsters themselves. Combine these elements with his writing style and he gives us a well rounded horror mystery that is easy to fall right into.

Joana Lafuente, breathes life into Colin’s illustration. One fine example of Joana’s coloring is the use of blue throughout the issue. This technique is often used in horror, and sci fi movies as a means to set a tone for the picture, and here in The Hunt #2, this is employed well. In addition to that, she also layers the colors in this issue in a way that you don’t lose necessary details. For example, the hospital scene employs both the tint as well as realistic use of colors used to detail what really happens in that sort of environment.

The Verdict

In [easyazon_link identifier=”B01G5FG4O4″ locale=”US” tag=”bounintocomi-20″]The Hunt #2[/easyazon_link] we continue our suspenseful journey with Orla. Like Alice following the rabbit down the hole, we followi Orla into the woods, where horror lives. Colin Lorimer’s writing gives you answers while providing new questions in order to keep you engaged. And, Joana Lafuente’s coloring skills provides us with the right amount of visual stimulation in order to convey the character’s emotion easier. If you enjoy horror, and have always wondered what is in the woods, then I suggest that you pick up The Hunt #2.

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