Mark Millar: Marvel, DC, And Independent Comics Only Make Up 9% Of Comic Book Market In North America

Mark Millar speaking at the 2013 San Diego Comic Con International, for "Kick-Ass 2", at the San Diego Convention Center in San Diego, California. Photo Credit: Gage Skidmore from Peoria, AZ, United States of America, CC BY-SA 2.0 <>, via Wikimedia Commons

Mark Millar speaking at the 2013 San Diego Comic Con International, for "Kick-Ass 2", at the San Diego Convention Center in San Diego, California. Photo Credit: Gage Skidmore from Peoria, AZ, United States of America, CC BY-SA 2.0 , via Wikimedia Commons

Mark Millar decried the state of the comic book industry in reaction to the news that JHU Comic Books in Manhattan will be shutting down.

Back at the end of August JHU Comic Books announced on Facebook they would be consolidating their operations and shutting down their store in Manhattan.

They posted, “After 10 years of operation in Manhattan (and decades before that as Jim Hanley’s Universe), JHU Comic Books will be closing the Manhattan location at the end of September.”

The store explained the decision, “Rising costs have forced JHU to make this choice, and they have decided that the best way to continue to serve NYC comic fans is to focus on the operations of the flagship location, located at 299 New Dorp Lane, Staten Island.”

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More recently the shop announced, “This Wednesday will be the last day of our Manhattan location at 481 3rd Ave. A few things to say. First off, from Sunday to Wednesday all back issues and all pre 2023 publication date, trade paperbacks and hard covers will be half price (Manhattan only)! Come get some stuff so we don’t have to carry it back!”

They continued, “Second, we will happily accept anyone who wants to volunteer Thursday or Friday helping us pack, please reach out to us and let us know. We should be here both days and really could use some hands on deck and would love to see some familiar faces one more time!”

The shop then concluded, “Finally, we want to thank everyone for their continued patronage, we wish all of you the best, and remember, keep reading those comics, and don’t stop being true believers!”

Reacting to this recent Facebook post, Millar wrote on X, “Jim Hanley’s store in New York is closing! UNTHINKABLE news and surely to God a wake up call to the Big 2.”

He continued, “Marvel, DC and all the US indie companies ADDED TOGETHER are now 9% of the American domestic market. How does this happen when the characters are more famous than ever?”

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In a follow-up, he wrote, “Cut to: The usual suspects saying everything is fine. But look at the shelf space in Barnes and Noble. Talk to your retailer about cuts he’s making.”

He then declared, “A strong Marvel and DC urgently required again for the health of the overall American industry. This is an iceberg tip!”

Millar would also provide more details on the state of the comic book industry revealing that much of the domestic market is now dominated by manga sales.

He wrote, “79% manga. The rest mostly Dog Man. I love Dog Man. I love Manga. But the complete collapse of the American industry is as devastating as the collapse of the British industry in the 90s for hundreds of American writers and artists.”

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Millar previously declared the comic book industry was in the worst state it’s ever been back in August. During an appearance on the Thinking Critical channel, Millar stated, “The retailers, they’re struggling out there. They’re dying. All my friends and retailers are saying it’s never been, they’ve never know it as hard as this.”

What do you make of Millar pointing out that western comic only make up 9% of North American comic book sales?

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