New Power Rangers Team Announced

A brand new Power Rangers team will be introduced in BOOM! Studios’ Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #40.

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #40 will be created by writer Ryan Parrot and artist Daniele di Nicuolo. The creative duo will introduce a brand new team of Power Rangers as they kick off a new event titled, “Necessary Evil.”

In a press release, BOOM! Studios reveals issue #40 will include “the first appearance of a mysterious new team of Rangers that answers one of the biggest mysteries in Power Rangers history.”

“Just like Shattered Grid changed the fates of the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers and their universe forever, Necessary Evil will reveal huge shocking twists and reveal new details that will expand the Power Rangers legacy and have fans running to the store to find out what happens next!” said Dafna Pleban, Senior Editor, BOOM! Studios.

Pleban adds, “Ryan and Daniele have packed every story with epic battles, stunning revelations, and tons of heart to craft a larger-than-life event that will reveal exactly what happened to the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers after the Shattered Grid and how they’ll deal with the dangerous threats that arise in Necessary Evil.”

Not only does Power Rangers #40 begin the new “Necessary Evil” storyline, but it will also be the beginning of an exclusive Power Rangers story that will be detailed in what BOOM! Studios are describing as Story Variant covers. These Mighty Morphin Power Rangers Story Variant covers are created by Ryan Parrot with illustrations by artist Dan Mora.

The Story Variant covers begin with Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #40 and will run through Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #50. These covers will detail “the immediate aftermath of the explosive events of Shattered Grid.” They will also change “the course of Mighty Morphin Power Rangers comic history forever.”

Along with the Story Variant covers, BOOM! Studios is also offering Trading Card variant covers by Kris Anka and designed by Dylan Todd. These Trading Card variants will feature Tommy Oliver on the front cover and all of his stats on the back cover. It will also include his team name, alias, biography, and details of the Power Rangers’ first encounter with Tommy when he was the Green Ranger.

The 40th issue will also feature a main cover by Jamal Campbell as well as a special foil variant of the iconic Helmet Covers featuring the White Ranger by Goñi Montes.

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #40 hits comic shops on June 26, 2019.

Take a look at what is in store:

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