22 Things You Didn’t Notice In The JUSTICE LEAGUE Trailer!

As DC fans and attendees of the legendary Hall H sat waiting, abuzz with rumors from all sides of the spectrum, DC unveiled the new trailer for this November’s Justice League. While taking time to shoot down the popular but widely scrutinized rumors, the cast of Justice League spent their time focusing on the fans in attendance. Ben Affleck, Gal Gadot, Ezra Miller, Jason Mamoa and Ray Fisher delighted the crowd with not just a trailer but their charm and endearment for the fans. As they maintain the worst kept secret in film history, Henry Cavill’s notable absence was not the only eyebrow-raising detail from the presentation. The lengthy trailer was filled with major and minor implications and details revealed for the first time!

While making sure to keep out anything too obvious, or revealed in a previous trailer, here’s a list of 22 things you didn’t notice from the JUSTICE LEAGUE trailer!

1. In the “Opening Heist”, the criminals’ guns have silencers

This detail is a fairly common aspect of heists or crime-related films. The problem is their willingness to SET OFF THE ALARMS at the entrance of whatever location they seem to be robbing. Why would they care about their gunfire being heard if they were already indifferent to setting off the location’s alarms? It’ll be interesting to find out if this was an oversight or has actual meaning within the context of the story.

2. The identity of the Leader is hidden from view

As the camera stays on the exit of a large metal detector the camera follows the meaningful footsteps of someone hidden from view. The trailer hints at several mysteries throughout, but which ones will amount to important story reveals or just glorified Easter Eggs?

3. Diana at work

Despite her first feature debuting this year we have yet to see Gal Gadot’s Wonder Woman working as the Antique’s Dealer she claimed to be. Now we have our first official look.

4. Superman is still dead

While it’s been obvious something would need to take place in the DC Universe for Superman to come back to life; the rocks above his grave appeared to float at the end of Batman Vs. Superman: Dawn of Justice. It may not have been a sign of an off-screen resurrection, but it was a way to express that some unseen force is already at work at Superman’s actual final place. It looks like despite that happening Clark Kent remains at a well-earned, but inevitably short-lived rest.

5. Batman has disappeared

While it could be a sign of inner turmoil or some major battle or conflict, the introduction that speaks of Batman’s disappearance is more easily explained by what we’ve seen from the first two trailers. Bruce has been going to great lengths to gather his team, it only makes sense that his absence would be noted during that time.

6. Themiscrya’s veil has possibly vanished

As the camera zooms into the ocean, Themiscyra, the ancestral home of Wonder Woman, appears out of nowhere. We already know about the veil from Wonder Woman, but what happens next in the trailer could mean that this wasn’t just a visual treat for the audience. As the veil disappears we are shown a Themyscira at battle-ready with a worried Hippolyta leading them. A burst of magic from a nearby motherbox leads to the arrival of Steppenwolf. His appearance could have been the cause of the veil disappearing, thus leading to a more vulnerable Themyscira.

7. Steppenwolf claims that Earth has “no lanterns…”, at last confirming their existence in the Universe

He may not have mentioned a specific color, but Steppenwolf insinuated that Earth was weaker and more exposed for not having Lanterns. Both confirming their existence and their role as guardians to their designated planet.

8. Steppenwolf is aware of Krypton, and Superman’s existence

He refers to Superman as “Kryptonian”, which confirms he has prior knowledge of the goings on of Earth and of the inhabitants of the long-dead Krypton.

9. Steppenwolf creates a similar symbol to the Apokolips Symbol from Bruce’s “Knightmare” sequence

We see him striking the ground with such a force it spreads a fiery energy that burns a symbol into the Earth. The symbol itself looks more complex than the Apokolips symbol from BvS, but this may be a different use of the same power. Most believe it to be a welcome mat for things to come.

10. Alfred mentions “The Penguin”

By referencing some penguin toys Batman encountered from a past crime, Alfred confirms The Penguin’s existence in the DCEU. Considering recent rumors regarding his being in “The Batman”, as well as the casting of Josh Gadd, this may be a sign Oswald Cobblepot is marching his way to the big screen.

11. Batman has a Large Military Transport Aircraft/Carrier

The Batmobile comes shooting out of a downed plane, likely one of Bruce’s infinite arsenal of bat-vehicles/gadgets.

12. Cyborg has the hacking ability we know and love

Utilized in both recent Justice League animated films as well as the Teen Titans series, his power to hack anything computerized was always a wonder to behold and a very useful tool. It’s encouraging to see it front and center as he assumes control of a Bat-vehicle of his own.

13. Aquaman is attacked in Atlantis

We see him dodge a thrown axe in his native home of Atlantis. This means that Apokolips and Steppenwolf have plans for and prior knowledge of Atlantis. This attack could also be what inspires Aquaman to officially join the team.

14. The London Bridge has an S to honor Superman

Despite the villain Doomsday being designed to fight Batman and Superman and not for world domination, many remember Superman’s sacrifice and see it as something to honor. To have a monument featured so prominently shows that the world is no longer suspicious of the Man of Steel, but is instead grieving over the loss of a hero.

15. An “Age of Heroes” is referenced

This could be anything from a throwaway comment meant to describe a time when our League were more courageous than they currently are, or it could be a confirmation that superheroes, be they super-powered or not, may have already existed in this universe. In some Universes the Earth 2 Justice League were actually a team themselves 50-60 years ago. The Flash and the Green Lantern are the only 2 Justice League members with direct equivalents in the Justice Society of America.

16. Wonder Woman lives in London

As it was one of the most important locations from her origin film, it’s no surprise she stays in the city Steve Trevor first introduced her to. It is also likely that the heist she appears to stop in the beginning of the trailer takes place in London, considering their first victim near the Metal Detector has a British accent.

17. Aquaman can influence the flow of water

Not always in possession of this power, Aquaman’s control over water is showcased when he slows but not stops a wall of water rushing down a hallway with a power emanating from his trident.

18. The Justice League will continue to grow

Batman refers to the fact that there’s “not enough”, when talking about our heroes. While many suspect Superman to return and assume his place in the team, it could also refer to rumored characters like Green Lantern or Shazam.

19. Batman is not standing on a Gargoyle, it’s a skeleton

Upon further inspection a very striking image becomes a little creepy.

20. Flash is new to this “fighting” thing

The Flash refers to his never having “done battle”. This lets us know he’s still relatively new to crimefighting and likely doesn’t have any of the more complex powers he’s famous for. Though that may change considering “Flashpoint’s” recent announcement.

21. A falling plane with a lone Green light may represent a new member…

At 3:11 in the Justice League trailer we see a falling plane with a green light in a montage of action sequences. While not that unique, many know that Hal Jordan (Green Lantern) is a pilot in the air force. Only after the death of Abin Sur following a crash is he granted the power of the Green Lantern. So something as simple as a green light on a falling plane can become a clue to the who’s and what’s of Justice League’s many mysteries.

22. Alfred welcomes a mysterious figure, but we may know who they are…

Alfred welcomes a mysterious figure to the party at the end of the trailer. While their entire image is hidden from view a red shoulder can be seen piquing over the frame just towards the end of the scene. It’s more than likely Superman at the other end of that conversation, but Shazam’s recent shooting date announcement could mean we may see him take up arms sooner than expected.

Like any good trailer should, the level of detail hinted at can only continue to raise the hype level for DC’s first foray into superhero team-making. We may get another trailer or two in the future but considering the backlash over the BvS marketing campaign this will likely be the last to reveal any significant settings or details about the film. For answers to the many, literally burning questions we’ll just have to wait until the film’s release. Did I miss anything? Were there any other details or implications that stood out to you?

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