Dune director Denis Villeneuve recently explained why the film based off of Frank Herbert’s 1965 novel of the same is still so relevant.

Villeneuve was asked by Variety’s Jennifer Yuma, “What is it about Dune that makes it still so relevant today?”
Denis Villeneuve on why #Dune is more relevant today: “The impact of colonialism, the exploitation of natural resources… all of those subjects are more present in our society.” https://t.co/SVUDofB03H pic.twitter.com/sBZES7preZ
— Variety (@Variety) September 13, 2021
The director responded, “I would say that it’s not still relevant, I think it’s more relevant. Because the thematic that Frank Herbert explored when he wrote the novel in the begging of the 60s.
The impact of colonilaism, the exploitation of natural resources, the danger of mixing politics and religion together, the danger of messianic figures all those are subject as just being more extrapolated today…not extrapolated, just more vibrant and present in our societies. So, I think sadly, he book is more relevant today than it used to be when it was written.”
In a YouTube upload of their conversation, Villeneuve would further elaborate, “The exploitation of natural resources that are done because of extreme capitalism. I’m talking about extremes right now.”
He continued, Then you can see that the forces that will oppose will be sacred and linked with religion. And that is a mix that is dangerous and volatile. And that’s something the movie is digging into.””
While Villeneuve discussed why Dune is more relevant today than it was written in the 1960s, Rebecca Fergusson, who plays Lady Jessica in the film, also revealed how her character will actually take on a feminine role.
Yuma would comment, “It feels like maybe that vulnerability lent itself well to Lady Jessica’s story and her story arc as well.”
Ferguson responded, “That was the essence that Denis and I spoke a lot about. It was not portraying her as a concubine, not portraying her as a powerful woman because her actions will show that.”
Related: Dune Actor Rebecca Ferguson Pushes Feminist Message While Marketing The Film
She then discussed one of her favorite scenes as an example, “One of my favorite scenes is when Jessica has to lead Paul to the Gom Jabbar test. And she knows that she herself has created this disastrous event out of love. Love for the Duke and love for her belief. And the outcome can be death. And that balance, for me, is the essence of this character. She is the powerful wall between help and her son.”
What do you make of Villeneuve’s explanation on why Dune is more relevant today? What about Fergusson’s comments about Lady Jessica’s feminine nature?